Message from @igge
Discord ID: 457908611704815626
from time to time they can play good
france aint that good even
i saw them play
well euro finalists 🤷
yeah but u have to think how the team is in present time
coach form etc
france are the most expensive team in the world they're great on paper
*france is
have no clue about that actually
there is some sites u can check up for clubs i know
i doubt they are most expensive one tough
doesnt matter how it is on paper also
if there is no good teamplay
i remember belgium
they had all good players
but couldn't make it
will see how they cope this year
3 out of 5 record transfers were french
pogba dembele mbappe
i mean i dont think france will win ; )
its just they can, theoretically
yeah belgium has great names as well
i fount it
will be intersting
okay lets guess
u told it was france
which is the other ones+
u were right
i wanted to say spain but was unsure
>senegal worth more than us
it will change after this championship ;^)
england is so fucking overpriced
premier league la liga
a lot of cash