Message from @VasilistheGreek
Discord ID: 420365803137794049
Can't see when our fella got hit though
That big Antifa fucker wanted none of Heimbach.
Matt H looking STRONK
I wonder if this is right when he got hit, he seems a bit dazed
Someone else.. that needs an invite to discord so he has a nickname, knocked the helmet guy for a loop, lol
You can hear it crack on his helmet
National! SOCIALISM!
Its like they thought they could run at a group of NS guys and they would just give
They lost all heart within a few seconds.
usually they are high, drunk and persistent.
Can't tell if heimbach is that chad or antifa is that pussy
Why not both
That's my thought
He slung that pussy like a rag doll
Matthew Heim🅱ach
Hail Heimbach!
Guys this making me 🍆
that's a reallly aesthetic picture of Matt
Watching antifa get beat is a joy
Today has somewhat white pilled me
Antifa faggots going to think twice before they run up on us
y'all looked chad as shit
Also the uniform does help
I thought the Speech was cancelled
but it looks as if it happened
The question end of the day is which one of you Ni🅱🅱as are using the skull masks i gave you guys in shelbyville
Masks are your friend
so is Camo paint
#Proud of My Bowl
@everyone check my FB for the start of us fucking up those niggers
Johan Carollo on Facebook