Message from @Kurvë
Discord ID: 420754377830301698
where are the real commies at
You know what? You're fucking right
Holy shit
Dude I'm sorry
i want to go into economics with real commies
could a nazi make that
not you closet russian wannabe weeb fags
real commies pls
Sorry, PC froze up.
were u at doe
@Kurvë You couldn't afford being my padawan.
But if the Tiger 2 manages to actually make it to the fight
O shit
Hey Unmute my boy prior
he did nothing wrong
That looks shit
panther 2
And probably is
Ha ha
one of the best tanks of ww2
Just shoot it in the side
T34 - shoot in turret or lower glacis<a:gachiBASS:406102548622213130>
Juan of da best tanks of the WW2
IS2/IS6 ammo rack op
Nice War Thunder knowledge
capola op
I wish the nazis created that mega tank so ussr could rape capitalists 🗿
Which one the Maus
or the Ratte