Message from @speedy311
Discord ID: 421425203323600896
In 2015, Manning called presidential candidate Ben Carson a "pathetic nigga" and a "demon", and described all of Carson's supporters as "closeted sodomites, fags, lesbos, [and] buttlickers".
wtf I love this guy
Yeah pastor manning is great for lulz
We can keep him in a zoo or something in the ethnostate
A comfortable zoo
Not TOO comfortable
He can live on the border
@fassel We can send him to Africa with the other 8 or 9 based negroes and put him in charge of the *SS Afrikaner* foreign legion.
Identity Afrvka
this but unironically
Traditional Field Workers Party
I wish Sam Hyde was in TWP
@FashyGoy1488 Has Matt tried doing some outreach to him?
We should contact him.
*Eurobeat intensifies*
I don’t believe that Matt has but if he could somehow get in touch with Sam hide that would be incredible
only sam could do 90 on residential streets while tossing wall-mounted AC units out of the window
<@&274905555318079488> I need a discord invite
Sam Hyde is a comedic genius
No doubt
Time to wage cuck for the jews
@FashyGoy1488 Have you seen paradigm shift 2070?
Of course
I’ve seen literally all his videos
Once I was exposed to him I went full Hyde
only good sub on that site
Racial greetings, comrade
We aren't killing anyone
But if this were a video game
Use ricin
No bully nsa