Message from @ysiel

Discord ID: 642876466803245066

2019-11-09 23:09:25 UTC  

a bit my fault but also just bad luck

2019-11-09 23:10:24 UTC  

Oh I see

2019-11-09 23:10:29 UTC  

Is it your only educational option?

2019-11-09 23:10:51 UTC  

Like here we have an abundance of higher education, some being elite and some accepting literally everyone

2019-11-09 23:11:06 UTC  

i just couldnt really think of many options you know

2019-11-09 23:11:15 UTC  


2019-11-09 23:11:20 UTC  

also didnt really sing up for elite shit

2019-11-09 23:11:27 UTC  

not at all

2019-11-09 23:12:42 UTC  

should have applied for more courses ofc but

2019-11-09 23:13:52 UTC  

@PandaTanner think it through before you change tho, becuase I was never able to shrug off that feeling that bio is not for me

2019-11-09 23:15:18 UTC  

i'm afraid that there's nothing for me and i'm just going to have to pick something in the end

2019-11-09 23:15:33 UTC  

i appreciate it though, i'll keep considering it before i choose it

2019-11-09 23:16:18 UTC  

well im in the place 'theres fucking nothing for me'

2019-11-09 23:22:44 UTC  

Women are tailored to seek company and affection at all times

2019-11-09 23:23:08 UTC  

theres bugs in our brains man

2019-11-09 23:27:32 UTC

2019-11-09 23:27:37 UTC  

@bar gib me your affection

2019-11-09 23:39:52 UTC  

@bar same how men are programmed to seek out and fuck 85% of the female population

2019-11-09 23:48:19 UTC  

do you fuck 85% of the female population

2019-11-10 00:01:21 UTC  

you guys are retarded

2019-11-10 00:01:33 UTC  

kill yourselves

2019-11-10 00:01:36 UTC  


2019-11-10 00:02:01 UTC  

Lol you first troglodyte

2019-11-10 00:02:52 UTC  


2019-11-10 00:02:54 UTC  

im never killing myself

2019-11-10 00:02:57 UTC  

im way too sexy for that

2019-11-10 00:07:10 UTC  

@rogalik if u were pis ... what would u do beforeelections

2019-11-10 00:07:20 UTC  

oh dog

2019-11-10 00:07:28 UTC  

1 PIS OFF EVERYONE ~~full antiabortion, PURE HATE~~

2019-11-10 00:07:59 UTC  

2 normal entropy, just fightwith normal enemies ~~courts, tusk~~

2019-11-10 00:08:46 UTC  

3 pretend to be normal ~~coz konf its swallowing ur bronies, and if u behave too edgy, u'll facebacklags

2019-11-10 00:09:09 UTC  


2019-11-10 00:09:37 UTC  

i need

2019-11-10 00:09:42 UTC  

to make a youtube channel

2019-11-10 00:09:42 UTC  

>pis pure hate
Fuck off

2019-11-10 00:09:45 UTC  

what will its name be

2019-11-10 00:09:55 UTC  

2019-11-10 00:10:00 UTC  


2019-11-10 00:10:03 UTC  


2019-11-10 00:10:21 UTC  

@yeezus PURE HATE ... euphenism to say

2019-11-10 00:10:35 UTC  

pure antiabortion, pure homophobic braying.......