Message from @K▲ISER

Discord ID: 430778223849111562

2018-04-03 17:10:11 UTC  


2018-04-03 17:10:35 UTC  

As far as I’ve known, FC series has always offended a particular group

2018-04-03 17:11:09 UTC  

Especially FC5 from what I can see, at it takes place in Montana, a pretty damn conservative and republican state

2018-04-03 17:11:29 UTC  

I think it’s a nice setting

2018-04-03 17:11:39 UTC  

I do too, yeah

2018-04-03 17:11:40 UTC  

It’s original at least

2018-04-03 17:11:44 UTC  

Very unique

2018-04-03 17:11:59 UTC  

Here’s the thing with the US:

2018-04-03 17:12:33 UTC  

Urban areas are usually liberal, rural and suburban areas are usually conservative

2018-04-03 17:12:55 UTC  

And cities on the coast, like NYC and Los Angeles, tend to be more liberal than other cities

2018-04-03 17:13:06 UTC  

Same in the UK

2018-04-03 17:13:23 UTC  

Naturally bumfuck nowhere in Montana would be more conservative than anywhere else

2018-04-03 17:14:03 UTC  


2018-04-03 17:14:36 UTC  

In the UK at least, 60% of Londoners voted remain

2018-04-03 17:14:42 UTC  


2018-04-03 17:15:28 UTC  

I personally come from Kentucky, a place that is fairly inland and fairly rural, and we have quite a lot of Republicans and such

2018-04-03 17:16:00 UTC  

Even our biggest city, Louisville, tends to be conservative

2018-04-03 17:18:11 UTC  

Do you see a lot of Confederate flags about then

2018-04-03 17:18:30 UTC  

Mhm, and hey, heritage not hate

2018-04-03 17:18:35 UTC  

I remember seeing a fair few only in Illinois

2018-04-03 17:18:52 UTC  

It’s the south, of course you’d have some people with confederate flags

2018-04-03 17:20:41 UTC  

*they don’t even use the right flags anyway, lol*

2018-04-03 17:21:49 UTC  

> negative iq

2018-04-03 17:22:38 UTC  

The typical hillbillies usually have the Virgina Battle Flag, which is just the Stars and Bars design you guys likely already know

2018-04-03 17:22:48 UTC  

Imagine having a >0 IQ

2018-04-03 17:23:09 UTC  

That’s like mental retardation

2018-04-03 17:23:40 UTC  

Also, it’s not just the hillbillies who think the Virginia Battle Flag is the real flag, lmao

2018-04-03 17:23:50 UTC  

It’s the liberals, too

2018-04-03 17:23:54 UTC  

No one knows

2018-04-03 17:24:07 UTC  

*it will always be a mystery*

2018-04-03 17:24:46 UTC  

This is the real one:

2018-04-03 17:24:49 UTC

2018-04-03 17:24:59 UTC  


2018-04-03 17:25:00 UTC  

Or rather the flag that was used the most

2018-04-03 17:25:30 UTC  

It was actually made by a Prussian dude who partially designed it off Austria’s flag, fun fact

2018-04-03 17:25:36 UTC  

What’s this?

2018-04-03 17:25:44 UTC

2018-04-03 17:25:51 UTC  

I thought u meant this

2018-04-03 17:26:01 UTC  

That’s the Virginia Battle Flag

2018-04-03 17:26:09 UTC  


2018-04-03 17:26:15 UTC  

I’m not American so