Message from @Anticom LR
Discord ID: 277684759646175233
I will be LARP commander
If you want this taken seriously, drop the 4chan references from the mission statement. Get the nazi references out before they become ingrained. Probably want to remove the Maga as well.
Will this snek & shield be our symbol?
We need fresh blood, not leadership. That'll come later, when people are proven irl. i agree with @Anticom LR#9355
well what's our top priority?
Getting an actual symbol
organization does not equal ranks
I think the snek that @Click made is good, SG said he will try to redo it later but we need to actually agree on our symbols and everything
@SwedeScania Are you here mate
we need roles
This is a lesson from Vol, worry less about orginization, focus more on getting people to events, the structure comes naturally.
Leave roles to local chapters.
thats antifa logic
Sg95 you are arguing for ranks and roles with the tenacity and autism of a train enthusiast
Look for protests coming up in your own city. That is the first step. The second step is to attend it. ALone if you must, but with others of a similiar mindset preferred. The third step is to participate - but in our way, not theirs.
it doesnt
only if you want to make mobs that get mass arrested
Why not keep it simple and recognizable for the normies at first glance?
Like just basic shit like organizing events?
You don't know shit
I dont think we should have full blown fuckin ranks
I dealt with protests against bush in the 2000s
That's autistic
and making sure everyone listens to one guy to make sure that people stay in line
Without dozing myself you know nothing
"Make sure everyone listens to one guy"
we organize correctly
You are autistic
You don't need to organize all under one person you fucking autist
Listening to 1 guy is for demonstrations. Not for actual events and protests
Especially since we aren't going to be smashing things