Message from @Jedimind11[XB1]
Discord ID: 667484162294415391
@Jedimind11[XB1] hope this works as a wallpaper
It’s beautiful
Double hot
Damn that’s an eye opening read, Jimbo
12 of those ARs were rocking beta c mags
Buddy tagged me in this one lmao
Your doing god’s work son
@Jedimind11[XB1] My favorite meme here yet lol
Is there a story behind this?
It's a new lightsaber
An elegant weapon for a more civilized age
Bruh that looks like my build
Essential for your boog kit
That way the alphabet boys will just see holes passing straight through your body and get scared
Like a militant sponge bob
I found that funnier than I should have
Don’t know if this is true, but it’s always good to have a plan 🙂