Message from @Itcilis
Discord ID: 662522111327338575
I have a stockpile of combat gauze
Yea its not fun and that was relatively small and took a ton 5.56 tumbles and is basically a huge asshole to medics
and ultimately the wound I was packing was very small. I can imagine packing a gunshot wound is gonna take a shitload
It does literally 2-3 rolls sometimes 7.62 has massive hydroshock but 5.56 tumbles and travels wierd
Yes it does.
doesn’t the type pf round also make a difference? like fullmetal vs poly vs hollow point
I was in during the switch from granular quikclot now that shit would ruin your life while saving it.
I hate granular
Gotta surgically remove every grain like getting shwacked wasnt insult enough.
I find them in militia ifaks often so check em
Gotta make sure there’s actual medical gear in them first
Lmao too true
The old dip, lickies ans chewies
I worked with a corpman whos marines went into his medbag and found pringles and caprisun. True story
The essentials
Calories to replace the blood
I cant praise saran wrap enough either. Theres no rules to this shit and keeping debris out is a must
Yea and it stretches and self sticks so you can do loose wrap and call it good for evac
Take the full roll and cut it in half with a knife put one half in your med kit and the other in the ifak if you have room
That’s smart. I’m going to do it
Its also really important that your teams medic or the RN/EMT knows stuff about you. A patch with blood type and allergies or just sharpie it on the ifak. It also helps to have a copy of health insurance paperwork in your admin pouch
Obviously I have my EMT-B but I’m currently working on my BSN
Actually let me correct myself, put it in a bag and shove it in a pants pocket. The cops will remove your vest and pack before admission to the hospital if it ever even makes it there. And thats great bro.
Im more preaching to the others who arent as medically educated as you are.
People don’t focus enough of medical
Maybe I should get medical insurance
write the info on your arms with sharpie
^^ hitler reference?
nah. just have had glucose/panic and had to write what I took for it on my arms so people would be able to treat it
my niece has to do this for allergies
always keep a sharpie for any number of reasons
@Fartfignewton what good is medical insurance during the boog
what good is medical insurance now
who knows
haha it was a joke mostly
thinking about trying to get tricare to cover boog related injuries