Message from @Itcilis
Discord ID: 660980597820489739
It's not that I do because I'm half black
I just don't think illegals should come here, steal jobs, be able to vote, etc
Exactly. That’s pretty logical
But to him it’s racist
If illegals could vote people like Bloomberg would win elections easy
Promising free shit and pampering his voting demographic like pets
That's how we lose guns
And become a socialist shit hole like Venezuela
What do you normally fly @Fartfignewton
Seahawk bro
Right now I'm flight instructing though
Seahawks are the Romeo variant
Ah. Didn’t get covered in Airsalt’ for me little rusty on different models
Nah it's cool. They're very different platforms though
Sierras are much closer to Blackhawks than to seahawks
Now the Blackhawk we did cover extensively lol
Yeah the S is basically just a blackhawk with upgraded engines and gray paint
Can you fly fixed wing as well or only rotary?
I'm instructing fixed wing
Navy correct? based off the knighthawk
Are pilots in the navy officers or like warrants? That’s a nice pic
Used to have warrants but they all got forced into being Os a couple years back
It has a prop. What is it
T-6B Texan II
LOL now I get it
You got a permit for that spoon?
**you brought a knife to a gun fight**
**oh I beg to differ**
I want it just to have it and say I have it.