Message from @Fartfignewton
Discord ID: 663472734159765508
Sure beats MRE’s or sea rations in the field
The army has 100% prepared me to be homeless
Spam and beans you can literally price it out at eat at 1$ per meal
Another favorite of mine is rice
Filling and cheap
That reminds me
Rice and beef is a good meal for cheap cheap
I need to swing by Sam's club to stock up on rice, dried beans
I went to sams yesterday lol
I’m getting paid an extra $62 a day while I’m down here so I pocket 90% of it
And they are giving us 10k when we get back lol
That's pretty good for per diem
Yeah it is
When I was in Italy we were getting about an extra 3000 a month in per diem
Saved it all and bought a truck when I got back
That’s really nice per diem
Over seas you tend to get more
I’m just pissed 82nd took our deployment
101st is definitely overdue for a deployment
I deployed 3 times in 3 years when I was at my last squadron
And extra detachments on top of that
A buddy of mine has been in the states 6 months total in FORCOM and been in 5 years
Haha geeze
He’s married too lol
Maybe that's why
Volunteers to get away
Maybe so
Wouldn’t shock me
Yeah Im not military so Ill just nod my head and say yep.
Be glad
Yeah I hear its real fun
It really is
Get fun things like this
Time to lie about morale
Morale is mever better!!! Lol
Or so Ive heard