Message from @Deap
Discord ID: 665073885112172554
One specific pilot here is insanely good at hovering
He likes to hover infront of the vehicles and talk to us on the radio
Lots of apprehensions because of that guy
I've fast roped seals to a postage stamp moving through rough seas at 40kts
I want to do fast rope. When I get back to base I think I’ll take the course
FRIES/SPIES master course that is
Luckily at fort campbell we got all the nice stuff like that
I did the flying for a ropes course that was facilitated for EOD unit 8 out in Rota. I always though the SPIE was funny haha
I got the air assault and hopefully while I’m down here I get the points to make E5 but I still got some time In service left so if I want it I have to get a waiver for it.
We got to hook some of our maintainers to the spie rig too
That’s cool I bet they enjoyed it
Or were scared lol
Tons of Facebook profile pic updates.
That's fucking sweet
I've always wanted to learn how to be a pilot. My University offers a course I've considered
They had a Chinook helicopter out here the other day doing laps. Not sure what they were doing. Probably training out of Wright-Patterson AFB.
And make go back to Mexico
I hope it's more than 2
You’d be correct.
Do I win a prize?!?
Yes take this. <:daddy:610559719395819551>
I think the real prize is the taxes not going to the void
with the flannel daddy emoji
Very good, very educational. <#659477156547788820>
Another fun event in Estonia is where some guy lost his night vision and it was a few feet of snow. Ofcourse it had to be found and never was.