Message from @Itcilis
Discord ID: 664698759292256308
Finally a day off
Go down to Mexico
Snort Coke in Tijuana. Idk. Soemthing
Impregnate some 14 year old Mexican chicks
Flew by the border today
Nice what part
If I was out earlier I might of seen you lol
Big ol point of entry there. Makes sense to be there
Ah did you see the bridges
POE1 and POE2
Laredo is one of the most active areas for entry
Nah didnt see the bridges
It was night time
And I was in the clouds half the time
They get low low nap of the earth
Yeah I bet
NOE is fun
One specific pilot here is insanely good at hovering
He likes to hover infront of the vehicles and talk to us on the radio
Lots of apprehensions because of that guy
I've fast roped seals to a postage stamp moving through rough seas at 40kts
I want to do fast rope. When I get back to base I think I’ll take the course
FRIES/SPIES master course that is
Luckily at fort campbell we got all the nice stuff like that
I did the flying for a ropes course that was facilitated for EOD unit 8 out in Rota. I always though the SPIE was funny haha
I got the air assault and hopefully while I’m down here I get the points to make E5 but I still got some time In service left so if I want it I have to get a waiver for it.
We got to hook some of our maintainers to the spie rig too
That’s cool I bet they enjoyed it
Or were scared lol
Tons of Facebook profile pic updates.
That's fucking sweet