Message from @OzarkParti$an

Discord ID: 668300625192157226

I hate southeast texas

2020-01-19 03:33:57 UTC  

Not to mention my main priority would be to get to my large piece of land and wait for them if they wanna come

2020-01-19 03:34:26 UTC  

In the process of buying proximity and thermal for it lol

2020-01-19 03:34:57 UTC  

It’s my hunting place but I’m starting to set up some supplies there

2020-01-19 03:36:31 UTC  

There will be looting in good time.

2020-01-19 03:36:42 UTC  

That doesnt sound very boog like bro.

2020-01-19 03:37:16 UTC  

Not saying to rush in and be dumb but sitting back defeats the whole purpose

2020-01-19 03:37:37 UTC  

Sitting back and planning attacks before you do them isn’t smart?

2020-01-19 03:37:55 UTC  

Every mission I have been on there’s been a planning phase

2020-01-19 03:37:56 UTC  

No, "when the shooting stops "

2020-01-19 03:38:33 UTC  

So a boog arms dealer? Whatever floats your boat buddy.

2020-01-19 03:38:50 UTC  

@Until_Valhalla it is a lost cause trust me

2020-01-19 03:39:03 UTC  

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

2020-01-19 03:40:21 UTC  

I got a group of close individuals I trust with my life. Prepare, plan, attack, loot, cool down, repeat.

2020-01-19 03:40:37 UTC  

Weather that be personnel or ammo facilities

2020-01-19 03:40:38 UTC  


2020-01-19 03:40:40 UTC  


2020-01-19 03:42:52 UTC  

I'm not saying go drive your truck through the closest government building. Planning is key but just watching it all happen and not doing anything isn't my speed.

2020-01-19 03:43:50 UTC  

Bro, have you not read anything I've written? No where have I said that.

2020-01-19 03:45:48 UTC  

Okay Sun Tzu

2020-01-19 03:48:05 UTC  

@MrBlack a lot of times people are saying the same thing you are

2020-01-19 03:52:46 UTC  

I think he was talking about your attitude in general. You mentioned a lot of shit that he covered in a simple statement

2020-01-19 03:58:31 UTC  

Lmao. “Running off and hiding”. Yes sitting back and taking time to prepare is very self serving. Wanting proper supplies and a full belly is very self serving.

2020-01-19 04:01:05 UTC  

@MrBlack did I say I was against that? Who knows if I have a cave or if I don’t. I have a little one on the way. I think I understand the importance to live to fight another day as much as the next person. I never said don’t survive. I just said you pretty much attack someone when they don’t word something exactly how you want it to be. “Preps” are more important than slinging lead. But a man must also know where he’s willing to die for something

2020-01-19 04:01:50 UTC  

@MrBlack I'm not sure you understand what other people are saying. Are you reading what anyone is posting? No one is saying rush in an die in a blaze of glory.

We are saying play it smart and use your head and think 10 steps ahead. I was saying your vulture strategy of sitting back and letting Patriots die alone then collecting their gear is really pathetic.

2020-01-19 04:02:06 UTC  


2020-01-19 04:02:17 UTC  

I have

2020-01-19 04:04:45 UTC  

I don’t think he threw a tantrum, I think he’s irritated by your attitude to the situation.

2020-01-19 04:06:49 UTC  

Yeah, @MrBlack I'm just gonna go ahead and say it. I'm pretty sure by what you've posted that your an Un-American vagina who doesnt believe in the Constitution and that if something were to pop off you'd be hiding in moms basement with your plate carrier on talking shit.

2020-01-19 04:07:31 UTC  

I may not have served in the military yeah. But dude you are obviously dyslexic and cant read.

2020-01-19 04:08:23 UTC  

Go back and re read the messages. Use the Hooked on Phonics cd you have to sound it out.

2020-01-19 04:08:29 UTC  

I don’t think anyone should attack each other in here. @Until_Valhalla he’s provoking you.

2020-01-19 04:08:31 UTC  

@Until_Valhalla don't stoop lower man

2020-01-19 04:08:45 UTC  

You're better than that

2020-01-19 04:08:49 UTC  

You're right guys. Gotta put my filter back on.

2020-01-19 04:09:27 UTC  

It’s irritating but he’s in a chat trying to prove a point with you responding like that @Until_Valhalla

2020-01-19 04:10:43 UTC  

10-4 fellas

2020-01-19 04:12:34 UTC  

@Until_Valhalla not worth the response

2020-01-19 04:13:02 UTC  

Is this an good time for a meme?

2020-01-19 04:15:32 UTC  

@MrBlack I really don’t think he said you shouldn’t do that. If my buddy goes down and is down. I’m taking his ammo and med gear. I will also booby trap his body if I have the means.

2020-01-19 04:17:24 UTC  

@MrBlack you are right good sir