Message from @Itcilis
Discord ID: 668373545197502467
Whatever you want
We don’t really enforce gay shit like gloves in the cockisans
I just realized I have 8 alarms set to wake up in the morning.
Trying to get my sleep schedule moved over. Moving from mornings to nights
I do it every 6 days it’s always ass every single damn time
It works for me just the first day sucks
Most definitely.
Supposedly after 30 you loose 1% organ function a year. Not sure if I believe it or not
I’m going to do some research into that statement later on someday. That’s why I say supposedly. Not sure if it’s true or not
And this is all assuming you lived a perfectly healthy life. Which none of us have
That’s probably a few decades away atleaste but theoretically it’s possible
We are already doing some stuff similar
Can’t say I’m familiar with the study
Oh boy can you say super soldier lol
Hell the military runs off tobacco, alcohol, and debt already.
the reason why they raised tobacco to 21 so if there was a war there are more pissed off marines wanting to kill someone
In TX you can but tobacco at 18 if your mil
Not sure about other states
Send plz
Did you make ?
Liking it. Will copy
Going to do different luau patterns when I get my laptop in
And just swap it with whatever guns combos
That's a great way to promote the boog
Yes it is
Still haven’t sleep from yesterday
Any word on Monday? People in your world discussing ?
Jesus. That's not healthy
Gotta do those 72 hour mass casualty treatment
Who got shot?
No I’m joking.
I mean it is Juarez