Message from @OzarkParti$an
Discord ID: 668332038536953857
Fuck can’t wait for my laptop to arrive
That’s what you do lol you never pay the military or say you lost it
Say you forgot it and go to a surplus store right outside the gate and them them 10x cheaper
I have never taken a statement of charges
I mean this is better for other items if you truely don’t have it
@Itcilis green blanket?
It’s this shitty blanket that’s well green
Woobie? You
Definitely not the god woobie
I want a woobie hoodie, buddy of mine has one and it’s worth it
Ahhh, I thought about getting one for my pack
Wanting to get another chest rig to carry more kit
That’s the blanket we have in basic to use
Yes they do
I need to get into bushcraft more
Basic was the easiest thing in the military
@Itcilis regret it or happy you are in it
Benefits and the networking are the best part. Everything else sucks ass
The saltpeter. Of course
Yes saltpeter
Potassium nitrate
My hearing kept me out, and didn’t find out until the big ass hearing chamber at meps. So my knowledge in the ways of the military sucks
It’s a myth but a believable one in basic
One sec putting Kevlar in
Just realized how many pairs of acquired gloves I have
I grab them off the range all the time
I always come back with atleaste one to two pairs per range
Whatever you want
We don’t really enforce gay shit like gloves in the cockisans
I just realized I have 8 alarms set to wake up in the morning.
Trying to get my sleep schedule moved over. Moving from mornings to nights
I do it every 6 days it’s always ass every single damn time
It works for me just the first day sucks
Most definitely.
Supposedly after 30 you loose 1% organ function a year. Not sure if I believe it or not
I’m going to do some research into that statement later on someday. That’s why I say supposedly. Not sure if it’s true or not