Message from @Itcilis
Discord ID: 668588988189114381
Lol hell yes
hay man it works
That would be sick.
I mean it’s feasible. Create a giant torsion crossbow and you could launch them silently but pummel a position
Well, as silent as it can get
Add some fins to stabilize it and you got a formidable weapon. Which you could do with a cheap stick welder and some scrap metal that’s measured uniformly
Making a ballista using old leaf springs would prolly work
You want something with a lower carbon content to make it springier and retain its shape longer
The more carbon the more brittle and rigid the metal is
Seems like lead springs are too stout. Unless its like a like a single leaf from a ford ranger or s10
that would probably work, main thing is you want it elastic enough but able to retain its original shape as long as possible
Not even sure what to comment
Good memes
She would get fired
Oldie but a goodie
most of my memes are on my phone