Message from @wickedempire1

Discord ID: 659978636236947467

2019-12-27 04:37:12 UTC  

My unit alone could fuck the cartels up fast

2019-12-27 04:37:13 UTC  

Dramatized, but good none the less.

2019-12-27 04:37:17 UTC  

It’s not even close with firepower

2019-12-27 04:37:18 UTC  

Except the US is paying the cartel to run our drug empire in America so they make money with the war on drugs so

2019-12-27 04:37:28 UTC  

@Boojahideen ah cool

2019-12-27 04:37:29 UTC  

@Itcilis you say that, but they are more armed than your local SWAT team

2019-12-27 04:37:46 UTC  

No doubt they are armed but not armed enough

2019-12-27 04:37:47 UTC  

Cartels have planes, helicopters with minguns, missile heatseekers, etc etc

2019-12-27 04:37:51 UTC  

@Itcilis Yeah wasn't Delta Force deployed to help capture El Chapo?

2019-12-27 04:37:51 UTC  

nah bro

2019-12-27 04:37:59 UTC  

2019-12-27 04:37:59 UTC  

Theyre as powerful as most nation states

2019-12-27 04:38:07 UTC  

outside of the big 7

2019-12-27 04:38:10 UTC  

Not sure about that @Killerratchet

2019-12-27 04:38:14 UTC  

USA, russia, japan, france, uk, etc etc

2019-12-27 04:38:24 UTC  

@TheReclamator4340 Love your name lol

2019-12-27 04:38:29 UTC  


2019-12-27 04:39:14 UTC  

All I can say is we got some strait killers down here on the border right now.

2019-12-27 04:39:28 UTC  

Just in case there is a spy in here **we are not a terrorist group and for legal reason we are purely a satire group who share common beliefs**

2019-12-27 04:39:44 UTC  

**nor do we incite violence**

2019-12-27 04:39:52 UTC  


2019-12-27 04:40:06 UTC

2019-12-27 04:40:10 UTC  

@Itcilis Yeah there's a lot of speculation that special forces bois like delta force were deployed in a joint op to capture el chapo

2019-12-27 04:40:31 UTC  

I wouldn’t doubt we got some high speed guys in Mexico right now.

2019-12-27 04:40:40 UTC  

I have already seen what I thought to be cia

2019-12-27 04:40:44 UTC  

Obviously can’t prove that

2019-12-27 04:40:52 UTC  

@Itcilis Are you in Mexico or USA?

2019-12-27 04:41:10 UTC  


2019-12-27 04:41:16 UTC  

Has mexico always been a shit hole?

2019-12-27 04:41:23 UTC  

Oh okay. Was confused.

@Killerratchet pretty much

2019-12-27 04:41:28 UTC  

they went through a really bad revolution

2019-12-27 04:41:33 UTC  

and then were left with one party rule

2019-12-27 04:41:41 UTC  

I’m just along the border right now

2019-12-27 04:41:42 UTC  

its very socialist, but without the welfare that holds it together

2019-12-27 04:41:52 UTC  


2019-12-27 04:42:15 UTC  

Explains why the immigrants from there vote for socialism BS here

2019-12-27 04:42:25 UTC  

Eh youd be surprised

2019-12-27 04:42:35 UTC  

most mexicans i worked with were very pro conservative

2019-12-27 04:42:37 UTC  

catholic bois