Message from @Butter
Discord ID: 662508379180367887
I may or not be a weeb my self
I have the power of God and anime on my side
I've been known to watch a couple of the more mainstream animes
Making memes/propaganda is fun!
I watch anime from time to time
My favorites being gun animes of course lol
@Killerratchet Make sure to make your skill set know
Like black lagoon
I personally like Girls Und Panzer
I need to watch black lagoon
Going to sound crazy I know
But the english dub is really good
I have watched a few meme animes
I dont discriminate for dub or sub
@Butter We're automatically friends for this reason
Uppotte, girls und panzers, goblin slayer
I'm sick of weebs saying japanese dubs are inherently better
Im watching anime rn and its a dub so im pretty lost
Yeah I always give english dubs a chance
Most are good
Like NGE on netflix
Especially if it's anime not set in japan and with characters who aren't japanese
The role works
@Associate762 Welcome!
How did you find the server?
Post on boogaloo bois
Which one?
I’m guessing @wickedempire1 set up auto roles
Is it working?
@wickedempire1 made a post inviting people