Message from @Penguin4hire
Discord ID: 666860512595804160
I googled it you’re correct
For some reason I though it only had to do with actual voting in the senate and congress but it does in fact refer to voting districts
For seven bucks I just might
I personally don’t support his 2A views but compared to the competition
It’s not that bad
I agree
No one else can compete this election
I lost some respect with the whole bump stock ban
Yeah the dems are basically going fill commie
So did I
The bump stock ban was also my final straw with the NRA
Yeah the bump stock thing was stupid you could accomplish the same thing with putting a tack in your trigger guard
Real shit I saw a guy do that once
Let’s not forget about ol’ coat hanger
I'd get a GOA flag before a trump one
I got a FPC patch
For causing liberal butt hurt no better than the trump
I have a MAGA hat just for the butt hurt
He does that well
Gun owners of americs
Better than the NRA in every way
Less cucked then NRA
GOA and FPC (firearms policy coalition) are both good choices
As well if your state has a organization
At least for mine it is rock mountains gun owners
My mom today said that people in VA should just move away
That’s not how we bring change
Like no mom that’s not how it works people should hold their ground and stand for what they believe in
Not just move when something bad happens