Message from @BLUE BEAGLE
Discord ID: 667943957702901770
I have a question
Ask away
Is there a limit to firepower allowed in a single truck?
define firepower
Not that Iโm aware off.
He means rifles per truck
Or firearms
oh never have had anyproblem
Peice of rebar across all 3 triggers is that leagle?
I have been pulled over with 3 rifles, 2 pistols, and a shit load of ammo in the back seat.
Nothing happened other then him telling me to fix my tail light
litterally have had 20 rifles in my truck while moving and got a slow it down buddy
ah yes leo=civi tottaly
I've been told not to carry anything to strange because the cops are dumb around here
Sutch as a kukri on a dashbord
private company = joe blow
Another question
What's the best fighting knife?
Have fun bro
Good night and God bless!
Good evening my dude
Sup bud
Discord seems to hate me being on my VPN
everything loads super slowly or doesnt load at all
and I have full connection
I know that
I've used VPNs for quite a while, especially when gaming
Dunno if its just VPN servers not playing well with discord servers or what
Other than that I can look at boogy memes with no problem
Tired af, y'all take it easy.
Is anal really that good? lol