Message from @Until_Valhalla

Discord ID: 668521020860137498

2020-01-19 18:12:40 UTC  

My ultimate goal is to transform DnD classes into Tactical class versions

2020-01-19 18:13:16 UTC  

So I just finished reading that paper you linked to.

2020-01-19 18:14:35 UTC  

@MrBlack why are you even in a patriot chat group?

2020-01-19 18:15:11 UTC  

Not sure if you read it. It mainly talked about regulating Militas and storing powder in certain areas and mustering for service. They had to swear an oath or their guns were taken for 3 years in that time they had to participate in public service. Quakers and pacifists were exempt.

2020-01-19 18:16:20 UTC  

The only individual rights were regulated at the state level and that was for hunting and concealed carry. As well as not discharging your weapon in certain areas.

2020-01-19 18:16:40 UTC  

So there again, you are wrong.

2020-01-19 18:17:06 UTC  

@MrBlack man the only ego in here is you. You correct everyone and get pissy. There is lot of knowledge in here yet you are superior. One person told me this a long time ago. “When you think everyone is being the dick, maybe you are the dick”

2020-01-19 18:18:00 UTC  

You side with laws like red flag laws and say they are misunderstood. You also say that the second amendment and the 1st need to be changed in time.

2020-01-19 18:18:08 UTC  

When pray tell did you do that?

2020-01-19 18:18:23 UTC  


2020-01-19 18:18:28 UTC  

Dude this is for Patriots. No one cares what tac wizard helmet you bought. You constantly post shit like you're an operator, but it sounds like you play airsoft and demand your mom make more pizza pockets.

2020-01-19 18:19:12 UTC  

Gtfo dude. Stop being a poser

2020-01-19 18:19:39 UTC  

I said you side with them and say they are misunderstood.

2020-01-19 18:19:55 UTC  

Lemme go screen shot it for you if I must

2020-01-19 18:20:00 UTC  


2020-01-19 18:20:11 UTC  


2020-01-19 18:20:36 UTC  

You did say they were misunderstood, correct?

2020-01-19 18:21:00 UTC  

It’s like saying a murderer is misunderstood. Sounds like you sympathize with it

2020-01-19 18:22:35 UTC  

What am I making up?

2020-01-19 18:23:23 UTC  

That you side with red flag laws? That you believe the amendments that make you a citizen with a say, not just a peasant. Should be changed in your very words?

2020-01-19 18:23:51 UTC  

This is too good. 🤡

2020-01-19 18:24:41 UTC  

How am I playing a victim?

2020-01-19 18:24:43 UTC  

Bro we got screen shots

2020-01-19 18:24:49 UTC  

There's no twisting

2020-01-19 18:25:42 UTC  

I think your airsoft buddies are waiting on you. @MrBlack

2020-01-19 18:26:42 UTC  

My issue with you is that you deflect more than Hillary Clinton and come back with random facts and try to argue those. It's really a great career skill in a political environment.

2020-01-19 18:26:56 UTC  

You ever thought about politics?

2020-01-19 18:27:18 UTC  

Are you sure that's the only issue with him?

2020-01-19 18:27:19 UTC  

You'd be a master. Probably a mayor within a year.

2020-01-19 18:27:57 UTC  

I wonder how many times you've sent that exact message in this server

2020-01-19 18:28:01 UTC  

Well no. But that's something for face to face. I'm not big on threatening people over the interwebs.

2020-01-19 18:29:13 UTC  

No that's 100% just a you thing man

2020-01-19 18:29:14 UTC  

Not really. We have the screenshots where you gloss over what people are saying and post random dumb shit and argue that to death.

2020-01-19 18:29:39 UTC  

Frankly it's pretty annoying.

2020-01-19 18:31:05 UTC  

You don't belong here dude. Go join Survivalist boards and you can argue guns and gear until you're blue in the face.

2020-01-19 18:31:46 UTC  

We are just trying to network as Patriots and you just want to argue with people and talk about your latest helmet.

2020-01-19 18:34:40 UTC  

@MrBlack listen for a second man. You do not fit the bill, attitude wise of someone who loves this country and it’s people. I’ve had the same arguments with kids in college that were democratic socialists. I’m being nice when I say you really don’t belong here. I respect that you try to clear the air if there is false information. But there is a lot of info that has been pushed on here that is solid. This app is for people to be aware of what is going on in the country. To make sure patriots are more informed about the current state of a attack on its citizens rights. You don’t fit the bill and even argue for gun control. You have called pretty much everyone in here a idiot and misinformed. I’m doing this in the most respectful way I can. But the people here are tired of listening to you. I’m sure you are a decent dude and all but move on

2020-01-19 18:34:42 UTC  


2020-01-19 18:37:12 UTC  


2020-01-19 18:39:52 UTC  

how dare that there are normal people that arent uber tactical folk but just normal people that are sick and tired of getting fucked by our goverment. that they arent on the cutting edge of the latest info and tech

2020-01-19 18:43:23 UTC  

oh shut the fuck up that is just like every liberal taking point about militias that we shouldnt allow them and make fun of them becuase there are bound to be some idiots in every group