Message from @BLUE BEAGLE
Discord ID: 668584867641950208
Thank you
Shits wack
Oh my gosh
The rodeo last night was insane
Yeah? Tell all
We had to turn hundreds of cars away because there was no more spase
Almost 1000 ppl in standing room only
If I could post video I would
I did a side to side video of the crowd
The EMS said that there were cars in line backed up to the school witch is 1.7 miles away
It was like playing Tetris trying to fit all those cars in
Where at
Ron rhamsy arena center Tennessee
The rodeo
And we are haveing 5 more rodeos there
Every other weekend
The rodeo is at Ron ramsy arena
Look it up on Google maps if your interested
Can't remember her name
Something nole
I herd it was upchirches gf
Whoever that is
But as I said before I don't know much about music and sutch
Pray for jake
I am not in TN atm
3 broken ribs a punctured lung and a indused coma
Pray for a speedy recovery
Besides that it went pretty good
1 out of 60 to be honest is pretty good odds but unfortunately it still happened
There will be another rodeo on Feb 1
Same plase
And 4 more after it every other Saturday
If you want to come I suggest getting there before 6
Ouch broken ribs hurt
Because the gates are sopost to open at 630 but ppl show up around 5
I have only broke one rib and it hurt like a bitch