Message from @CumSwallowingGutterSlut
Discord ID: 663425602857992203
I doubt it
Just so long as we don't forget that a cave dweller was able to hit NY and the Pentagon... Which up until that point was a severely laughable notion.
This is an official Iranian response not from some cave dweller
The security measures we had back then were outdated to the upgraded defenses we have now
We should be worried about the Cyber abilities
America's state cyber security is laughable
It is
And it won't be Iran doing it. It'll be the Chinese, Russians, and Iranians
US govt cannot hire the required talent
This ^
Because nobody with those talents wants to work for the state
Fuck em
I foresee if there's a draft, it's gonna be 100% IT dudes being drafted
Yeah sadly
and not for combat, but to bolster cyber warfare
The worst thing they could do is draft me, a rebel and loyal supporter of the boog
Would be a shame if I was given internal access
One might just release a public Access key and set the password validation to ?=O
@CumSwallowingGutterSlut ive been here since the beginning
Don't question my loyalty to the boog.
I literally have them the keybase idea but okay .I'm a fed for sure
Forgive me o great and loyal Boojahideen
I mean, that would be a perfect fed tactic
^ he gets it
give us somewhere we think we are safe and just sit back and screen capture it all
Red flag me daddy
but remember man, being loyal to the boog is being loyal to the constitution
Dude I just think that the USA is posturing for no fucking reason
You can't drone strike your way to winning an oil war
the constitution is America, and aiding American enemies is not helping anything
Constitution is the law of the land. These fed boys are just pinkertons with heavy guns
Iran is an enemy of Saudi
They do the same shit we do
Spend money funding groups furthering your cause
I don't agree with em, but with that definition, France is also our enemy
You haven't been in the region