Message from @Dr.Cocopuff | KY
Discord ID: 421170274680176643
@speedy311 we are all bad mfers
Nation of Islam is all talk
didn't we try to "ally" with them?
@John Mosby sounds good brother
around blacks, never relax...
NOI and etc are all meme's.
The only blacks that do shit are the ones the Jews use
Some Nation of Islam chapters are cool with WNs, some not
as cannon fodder
i was never comfy with any co-operation with any non-White group
Jews promise them all our shit, we promise them some land in a future place
Japs I can tolerate... barely
Depends on the non-white group
Nah, I mean who gives a fuck about that shit.
Rockwell was too generous in his dealings with non-Whites
it cost him his life
Like "OH LOOK WE'RE ALL ALLIED AGAINST THE JEW" like stfu faggot that is some boomer tier bullshit
If blacks want to be like "Oh yeah we want an ethno-state" yeah that's cool
It wasn't his dealings with non-whites that killed him.
If we expect to be revolutionary, then we need to work with other revolutionaries...doesn't mean they'll live in our ethnostate.
I know this ain't TWP's official policy but i'm looking forward to the ethno-planet
Like I think Hezbollah and all those guys are cool.
Dosen't mean I want the live around them
@John Mosby i meant that i think he was wrong in his "80%" approach to the Jews
One drop rule
I LOVE Hezbollah, and many other Arab nationalists
Im not a's not a workable solution in Murika.
what's one drop? one drop of non-White blood and you get the gas?
that's my position
I like The Order's approach...if it looks white and acts white, then it's white
A lot of jews can get in that way
although i'm sure they had protocols in place for that
Oh no I'm one drop when it comes to Jew
and "white" is a pretty vague term.
A lot of Portugese and other Meds look really dark, but I still consider them white...same goes for a lot of Arabs.
Arabs are Semites in my book
it's not a popular senitment and i get that
i won't push it