Message from @Fevs
Discord ID: 417162453395308546
I'm actually a Calvinist
I'm actually a Talmudic rabbi
im not a bagan bopper, but pretending like you can have a NS movement that isnt christian based is retarded
Okay what
🅱agans 🅱tfo
Here we go
FFS If we got a Christianity debate
let me go ahead and cook some food
Can we just not do this
No religous infighting I'LL BAN
Debate Deez nuts
Please no
No bully
Johan is the new Colonel of Region 4.
I will be sending emails in the next couple days to all the members of Region 4 explaining the change in leadership and giving everyone Johan's new email address.
It has been a pleasure serving as Colonel of Region 4...I know the region is in capable hands.
@John Mosby appreciate those kind words kamerad.
Send me that new proton nigga.
That's some gay normie shit
>no using a north korean email
To my understanding, all of NF is suppose to be using protonmail to discuss any Party related matters.
Thats gay i need to reform that
Proton mail is great
Protonmail is pseudo security
If you know something better, then let Matthew know, so we can all be on the same page.
I'll get all colonels using GPG encryption
Then we can go down the ranks learning
We really should be doing that anyway
lmao dude
You are retarded.
Protonmail is encrypted but its server side
You know you get your russian email whenever you sign up?
You're relying on the protonmail servers to not be compromised
GPG is entirely client side
It's your username, and
so "[email protected]"
What are you talking about
we should switch to .su
None of that matters ayylmao