Message from @johanC
Discord ID: 417154113298759682
No Elle reeve is bae
"Wholesome" lol
from ishtar of gilgamesh to kim kardashian
thots gonna thot
If she breathin she thotin
There is plenty of bridges
to throw the thot from
women must be ruled and subjugated
<:totenthink:390928462459699201> <:totenthink:390928462459699201> <:totenthink:390928462459699201>
Quick someone rape a white baby in to her
if you are unable to subjugate a woman non violently you are nigger tier
I volunteer as tribute
Fight fight fight
I'll only pull the rank card when there's PUSSY involved
you're not even an officer
@johanC who you putting your money on?
Whenever we die for rahowa there is 5 goth girls waiting for you
gomer for fuhrer of twp
effective immediately
Awe shiiet. Fevs is my boy I'll got 3/1 odds
I put mine on @Hadrian
fite me at amren
Who wants a South African wifiu?
It's heating up borthers
PM me for south afrikan wifius
No you shut up we are trying to be degenerate rn
PM me for South Afrikan Girlfriends
Fr ril?
He's internet creepin
I am dead up srs
I prefer boers
To Afrikaans