Message from @Fevs
Discord ID: 417157492561412098
I am dead up srs
I prefer boers
To Afrikaans
Either or
same shit retard
No go fuck yourself
White people around tons of Niggers
and ZOG is letting them die
Mfw when he's just gonna DM me a ape or something
Anglos are better than German Dutch trash
Well, better safe than sorry
Whites are better than niggers
Better than German Dutch trash?
White trash will survive since white up tier faggots are to busy bitching and comparing their intellectal boners online
Coco that site suxx
its my site coco is farming sheks for me
*hands rubbing in the distance*
I'm not farming shekels, I'm just told to shill this shit
i liked it
im sharing with my friends
At least try not to be a faggot by saying our fellow whites (that are being murdered every day) are trash
Got triggerd
who me?
oh you mean othkeppers
"Anglos are better than German Dutch trash"
hey no bully
I'm trolling
O h
Christ almighty