Message from @Fash Dragon

Discord ID: 417874778917961760

2018-02-27 01:56:56 UTC  

@Dr.Cocopuff | KY check pm nig nog

2018-02-27 02:00:01 UTC  

Boomers are odd

2018-02-27 02:00:22 UTC  

Why do cuckservatives worship them

2018-02-27 02:00:28 UTC  

All of the episodes of Action! Have been unlisted on Jewtube

2018-02-27 02:07:23 UTC  

When the worst your people have to deal with is a single adulterous woman, it's time to put down the stone and forgive. When all your women are adulterous, it's time to pick up the sword

2018-02-27 02:07:29 UTC  

Religious musing of the day

2018-02-27 02:08:10 UTC  

I only accept regular cross reacts thank you

2018-02-27 02:08:18 UTC  

I'm neutral to the ortho cross

2018-02-27 02:08:33 UTC  


2018-02-27 02:15:10 UTC  

Hey anyone here good at graphic design?

2018-02-27 02:20:25 UTC  

3D modeling yeah

2018-02-27 02:20:37 UTC  

What are you looking for exactly?

2018-02-27 02:23:44 UTC  

Are you the one printing the small hitler figureines?

2018-02-27 02:37:39 UTC  

you do 3D printing too?

2018-02-27 02:38:40 UTC  

@johanC Dude people are losing their shit about clapping.

2018-02-27 02:38:55 UTC  

Apparently no one should have clapped?

2018-02-27 02:40:15 UTC  

@☦Colton of Yore☦ they are tripping

2018-02-27 02:40:27 UTC  

Because anglin made it a big deal yesterday

2018-02-27 02:41:14 UTC  

He's mad jealous of heimbach and I told everyone about his second sock account and called him a counter signaling race mixing faggot

2018-02-27 02:44:43 UTC

2018-02-27 02:45:11 UTC  

@Hand Banana that's a hell of a batch my man

2018-02-27 02:45:17 UTC  

Damn im hungry

2018-02-27 02:45:22 UTC  

@☦Colton of Yore☦ that Bob guy has posted 20+ anti TWP memes today

2018-02-27 02:45:30 UTC  

He's one of aglins fan boys

2018-02-27 02:45:49 UTC  

@fassel join the voice chat or anyone

2018-02-27 02:46:32 UTC  

His entire timeline is pretty much anti tradworker memes he's just riding anglins dick

2018-02-27 02:47:19 UTC  

I added more meat amd veggies amd strained the old shit out today

2018-02-27 02:47:33 UTC  

goal is to keep it going til thankagiving

2018-02-27 02:47:47 UTC  

He said no one should have clapped cuz we were just boasting our own egos

2018-02-27 02:47:56 UTC  

So whenever lonely Eatin boys stop by I have stew

2018-02-27 02:47:58 UTC  

Never feed a troll.

2018-02-27 02:48:07 UTC  

Clapping will no longer be allowed in the ethnostate

2018-02-27 02:48:10 UTC  

Unless it's mcarthy's stew

2018-02-27 02:48:31 UTC  

Yeah I don't even care about anglin enough to bitch about him tbh

2018-02-27 02:48:38 UTC  

But fr 20+ anti tradworker memes in a day. Get off our nuts son

2018-02-27 02:49:54 UTC  

Yeah, I've been needing to know how John Mosby crafted together that strogonoff.

2018-02-27 02:50:21 UTC  

Which is proof we are actually Russian bots.

2018-02-27 02:53:47 UTC  

@FashyGoy1488 no like flyer designs and such

2018-02-27 02:54:56 UTC  

@Dr.Cocopuff | KY ah gotcha. No, that’s not my forté

2018-02-27 02:58:23 UTC  

@Dr.Cocopuff | KY bruh. That's the real question. I don't think Mosby made that stroganoff

2018-02-27 02:58:42 UTC  

Cuz I tasted like jesus made it