Message from @fassel
Discord ID: 419646660105207859
what a dumb thing to rail on... a whole article written about skull masks to further drive a wedge among pro whites looking for answers. I expect nothing less from those clowns. Its really a shame people take them seriously
They put out some funny shit.
I can't take Anglin, Weev or Asthmadorr serious though.
I have a skull mask. Mostly just to wear on my motorcycle when it s cold. Keeps the wind from getting under my shades and drying my eyes out. Also wore it at shelbyville cause it was cold as fuck. I guess you should all disavow me
@Maximus they aren’t to be taken seriously though
They make their living literally just shitposting
Well i have all types of masks but that's kind of a metaphor
For ppl like Cameron
Asthmadorr at least goes out. He looks like shit. But at least he goes beyond shit posting. Not that he is going to do anything but let other people go to jail so he can write a story about it.
Yeah. Which is fine and all but theyve shifted the platform to constantly attack us and its all just complete garbage these days. Like when an apolitical band builds a large following and goes mainstream then starts putting out albums that are all political and pushing an agenda. Its just gay @FashyGoy1488
Adrew called me an angry redneck
Plus its retarded to think we'll ever attract the masses of normie types. Quality is infinitely better than quantity.
You think the German ppl under Nazism wernt normies?
Normies are the worker ants. The backbone
@antagonizer he holds no loyalty to anyone and will turn in an instant on anyone as soon as they speak a word that suggests anything counter to his ego driven "plan" or lack there of
Yeah that's normally what they do
Follow the norm
They need a father to guide them
@antagonizer big difference. Were not in power. Hitler didnt have the support of the masses until he had power
He had lot's of normie support by then if I'm not mistaken
His party was actually pretty popular with normal fags
Normies fall in line to what ever power is in charge. We dont need tomconvert them or change their minds about us
Its a losong battle to try and change the minds of the masses who have been conditioned for generations
We need fanatics
So was the NSDAP a mass movement with humble beginnings? I'm think it was. I could be wrong
American nationalism is gay. Converting the masses is a losing strategy. America is a dead meme.
And your not going to convince millions of that without taking over some kind of jurisdiction
@antagonizer fucking Cameron turned out to be such a fag
He was alright in the beginning
Whos Cameron
@fassel yeah man I know. They’re being super shitty and not helping the movement at all... just the opposite
Cameron is “Rape” from AWD
Oh gotcha
Yeah him
Total piece of shit
To say you can't change ppls minds is just dishonest. Hell I'm a fanatic and i was against white nationalism when i thought is was just for edgy degenerates. Or anti social types. Even wgen i warmed to the ideas i wanted nothing to do with the type of nazis i met in prison.
It’s a growing process
We all have pasts
I bet all of you would have hated me 10 years ago