Message from @MONARCH
Discord ID: 277925501803429888
i'm just having a hard time explaining the concept of how ad-hoc groups of people are forming and coming together and why they are doing it
Monarch, we can't split our efforts. America first, because antifa has already gone tumorous there.
@DoctorPiss as long as we dont shill fascism in public.
Please don't. It will end up.
After that, europe.
half the appeal of fucking with Antifa is they bash "fascists" who aren't
We need all anticommunist groups to merge into one @DoctorPiss . That way we are much more powerful
going out and giving them what they want to bash won't help
With all due respect, that is retarded
@Anticom LR Yellow and Black are fine, just a British Flag instead of an American one (obviously)
Decentralization is key
@DoctorPiss yes
You want all groups to merge into one- why?
@Anticom LR Easy on the globalist rhetoric there, Shlomo.
You want us all answering to you?
I love the idea of one umbrella group coordinating and making headway
I mean I'm not talking about political groups like identitarian, just groups that are only for anti-communist reasons, kek
But it's going to be a lot of different varied groups working together
and you need to accept that
and not everyone is going to get on board with a hierarchy of power structure
and as someone who sees what happens with power structures
We need a figure head
we do not need a figure head
in fact, that will hurt more than it helps
because the moment they slip up
or pull a richard spencer
or even if they don't fuck up, some antifa chucklefuck will still go punch them
and parade it around as a crushing defeat
no figureheads
agreed no almighty faggot
Or at least one main group to rally under
A centralized information network to exploit is good, but unlike antifa, we can't transport everyone in our organization to the same place ever time something happens. Cells separated by distance can only help each other so much
a lot of people REALLLLLLY want to be in charge over other people
what does our flag look like?!?!
it's almost as if we have a lot of unironic natsocs 😄
is in server pic?
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