Message from @PugSlugger

Discord ID: 527607327319392256

2018-12-26 21:53:08 UTC  

especially nazist ideology

2018-12-26 21:53:18 UTC  

Ill keep making money and being a productive member of society

2018-12-26 21:53:24 UTC  

<:porky:315615014751043588> <:porky:315615014751043588> <:porky:315615014751043588> <:porky:315615014751043588> <:porky:315615014751043588> <:porky:315615014751043588>

2018-12-26 21:53:57 UTC  

@PugSlugger fucking conformists were basement for fascism in Europe too

2018-12-26 21:54:22 UTC  

Fascism is capitalism in decay

2018-12-26 21:54:53 UTC  

Got a strong Workers cause in your country? Have a Mussolini or a hitler or a Pinochet!

2018-12-26 21:55:08 UTC  

That'll solve the problem of the workers rising up

2018-12-26 21:56:15 UTC  

Facism is people getting tired of commie kikes abusing them

2018-12-26 21:56:29 UTC  

Like in the weimar republic

2018-12-26 21:56:50 UTC  

@PugSlugger there were no commies in rule in weimar Germany

2018-12-26 21:57:00 UTC  

that's why nazi scum won

2018-12-26 21:57:05 UTC  

Are you retarded?

2018-12-26 21:57:30 UTC  

fucking bourgeois liberals betrayed country and prefered nazis instead communists

2018-12-26 21:57:48 UTC  


2018-12-26 21:57:49 UTC  

do not understand what it lead to

2018-12-26 21:58:06 UTC  

@PugSlugger no it's you naive guy

2018-12-26 21:58:08 UTC  

As well as nazi SA beating up everyone who didn't vote for them

2018-12-26 21:58:34 UTC  

Then when hitler got in power he abolished voting so he wouldn't get voted out

2018-12-26 22:00:44 UTC  

@PugSlugger commies abused not German people but fucking Krupps, Thiessens and other owners of the country who got support by nazis

2018-12-26 22:02:50 UTC  

And even after denazification those guys remains as owners of means of production in nowdays Germany not receive any consequence of co-working with nazi regime

2018-12-26 22:03:09 UTC  

The Social Democratic Party (SPD) drew its support from blue-collar trade union skilled workers, and at times from more progressive white-collar workers and intellectuals. While the party had proportionally more Protestant than Catholic supporters, it did attract Catholic workers. In some parts of Germany landless farm workers voted for the party. German women from working class families voted for the Social Democratic Party in large numbers. Some of Germany’s Jews also voted for the Social Democratic Party. From 1919 to 1932, the Social Democratic Party was the party that received the most votes in national elections and had the largest legislative delegation. The SPD was committed to further reform of Weimar society and hoped to eventually make the institutions and economy of Weimar more egalitarian. This party was a bulwark of the Republic and was the most active opponent of antisemitism during the Weimar years.

2018-12-26 22:03:26 UTC  

The marxists had a majority in the weimar government

2018-12-26 22:03:47 UTC  

People were sick of them driving the nation into the ground like they literally always do

2018-12-26 22:04:04 UTC  

So they voted nsdap

2018-12-26 22:04:28 UTC  

@PugSlugger do you know fucking socdems like Scheidemann and Noscke shoot workers and communists and were anticommunists?

2018-12-26 22:04:45 UTC  

Lol they are socialists

2018-12-26 22:04:48 UTC  

Get over it

2018-12-26 22:04:56 UTC  

German Socdems in Weimar republic never supported communism

2018-12-26 22:04:59 UTC  

Commies shoot eachother all the time

2018-12-26 22:05:16 UTC  

They betrayed working people since WW1

2018-12-26 22:05:16 UTC  

Pol pot was a commie and he killed commies

2018-12-26 22:05:26 UTC  

when supported fucking kaiser

2018-12-26 22:05:32 UTC  

Trotsky was a commie and killed the ukrainian commies

2018-12-26 22:05:38 UTC  

Cry more

2018-12-26 22:05:43 UTC  

They are socialists

2018-12-26 22:05:50 UTC  

Socialism failed germany

2018-12-26 22:05:53 UTC  

@PugSlugger are you fucking retarded?

2018-12-26 22:06:15 UTC  

German socdems feared about Socialist revolution

2018-12-26 22:06:26 UTC  

Like Mensheviks in Russia

2018-12-26 22:06:53 UTC  

>socialists feared socialism

2018-12-26 22:06:57 UTC  

Nigger what?