Message from @Stalin
Discord ID: 530233746855821324
materialism is SELF-REFUTING commiebros
Not to you
I am telling @pajama boy
but hirohito and planes
"The main justification for materialism is that a person doesn't believe in that which doesn't have observable or measurable properties. Hence a materialist doesn't believe in supernatural beings or separate mental substances. And yet for there to be observation in the first place, there has to be perception, and perception is by definition a mental process. The very starting point of the materialist position is a mental event, and the position that "I only believe in that which I can observe" can lead at best (from the materialist viewpoint) to a Kantian Phenomena/Noumena dualism, and at worst to a Berkeleyan "all is in the mind" idealism. Hence materialism refutes itself by the very fact that it requires an idealist starting point."
maybe they crashed into ships so much bc they were squinting
capitalism is cancer too
I smell a centrist
While the democrats and republicans are fighting about gay people
I will hack their elections
gl with that
centrism is usually capitalist in nature so no
i follow revolutionary conservativism
nationalist socialism/subsistence based agrarian socialism
Hey hey hey
No anime
dialectical materialism <:GWempMoan:404075917288407042> 👌🏻
sorry officah
You will be sent to the gulag in Siberia
siberian winter
You will be sent
For 10 years
You too
eyes are closing