Message from @PugSlugger
Discord ID: 545605714815746049
Truly shook the ground
Destroyed with facts and logic
Now I'm based and redpilled
that’s not a rebuttal because you literally said I was lucky as if I’m a national socialist. You had no argument
You just went on stating something
It was no argument
And you bit it
I’m a nazi and I got totally bashed by the ленин
Capitalism kills people
Aka obesity
From poor food security and quality
Whatever is cheapest to make and sells the most
And in third world countries that are capitalists it's usually the rich who only eat
Socialism is the only way to liberate third wolf countries from their slavery and regain freedom
Is it summer already?
The bourgeoise is about to leave the historical stage, and it will be replaced by a class of productive workers
Why are you just talking in strange prapaganda snippets?
Are you another fed bot?
I have a thousand posts am I a bot?
Youre an npc lol
This server needs a caved head emoji
>caved head emoji
Are you talking about brainlet Wojak?
What a fucking zoomer holy shit
The one in the middle
@Donitz how old are you?
It’s funny because it’s even more caved hahaha
Lol zoomer
Cant even drink