Message from @thedarkness05
Discord ID: 654496967103217674
what is it about?
actual innawoods n k larping or something else?
Yes. Exactly that. I thought it was self explanatory
Just read the stalker challenge
might do it one day
hey - peaking of
Am innawoods for the last 3 days of rifle season
Can only get slight cell signal when I am sitting at the kitchen table here at camp but will update as I can
Let us know how it goes. Pics are appreciated
I did post these two in the general section last week but they prob got lost in the ether quickly
Very nice
Yea luckily most of the snow has melted off but it’s still gonna be cold as fuck here the next few days
Overnight it’s supposed to be in the teens and tomorrow gonna be a high of about 30
Love this channel already
For people who have done stalker innawoods. What was your story?
Explain greentext style.
I may be into the stalker challenge
I can do it near my house
But there no building but there is a quarry does that count
I wish I could do the Metro one - but I have a few abandoned spots n plenny of woods nearby
side note - i might translate the rules into a more legible format
Imma get some stuff together maybe I’ll do it sometime this weekend or the next
I’m bout to debubba my yugo sks
Was cold as fuck but surprisingly sunny
looks like a solid day tbh
Yea at least the solar panels at camp got a decent charge on the batteries
For the nogunz who do not live in murica, you can always innawoods with a bow of any kind
was thinkin my long colt revolver tbh
@INNYGMATYK buddy has a navy colt