Message from @/K/id

Discord ID: 662851452330573849

2020-01-03 17:45:28 UTC  

When did Snapchat aquire woods?

2020-01-03 17:45:45 UTC  

South corolona

2020-01-03 17:46:12 UTC  

I hope yall don't think im actually that retarded

2020-01-03 17:50:21 UTC  


2020-01-03 17:50:52 UTC

2020-01-03 17:51:14 UTC  

Idk chief

2020-01-03 17:51:18 UTC  

I was hoping not

2020-01-03 17:53:04 UTC  

I mean, don't get me wrong, im dumber than the average bear

2020-01-03 21:05:22 UTC  


2020-01-03 21:05:40 UTC  

I did some more walking, and I'm near some guys house who had some horses

2020-01-03 21:05:48 UTC  

About a mile or 2 out from where I was

2020-01-03 21:06:01 UTC  

I guess the horse was sick or lame or some shit and he tossed it

2020-01-03 22:32:23 UTC  

Shitty. Waste of meat

2020-01-03 22:32:53 UTC  

Well, ig if it was sick, i can understand

2020-01-03 22:34:09 UTC  

Aquire its bones later

2020-01-03 22:34:15 UTC  

I'll but them from you

2020-01-03 22:34:17 UTC  


2020-01-03 22:41:53 UTC  

Eeew fuck, a dead horse? Does anybody around your area know about it?

2020-01-04 02:25:54 UTC  

@Trash Squid im keeping the skull for a shrine to the dirt gods of the forest

2020-01-04 02:53:35 UTC  
2020-01-04 02:55:01 UTC  


2020-01-04 02:58:08 UTC  

yeah, you're boutta enter real spooky hours dawg

2020-01-04 02:58:57 UTC  

Fuck it

2020-01-04 02:59:05 UTC  

dirt shaman

2020-01-04 02:59:25 UTC  

just burn some sage or some shit like a hippy, should do the trick

2020-01-04 03:00:02 UTC  


2020-01-04 08:02:24 UTC  

Fuck I wanted to make it a mask

2020-01-04 19:59:38 UTC

2020-01-04 19:59:49 UTC

2020-01-04 20:00:00 UTC

2020-01-04 20:00:17 UTC

2020-01-04 20:00:41 UTC  

North florida woods sending some luv

2020-01-04 20:02:46 UTC  

Holy fuck

2020-01-04 20:05:25 UTC  

Noce harvest

2020-01-04 20:05:39 UTC  

*foraging time*

2020-01-04 20:06:04 UTC  

@/K/aptainBlastin what kind of mushrooms are thise?

2020-01-04 20:10:15 UTC  

amanita persicina

2020-01-04 20:11:05 UTC  

a variant of the amanita muscaria, the fly agaric. the mushroom our Christmas lore and shaman lore comes from.

2020-01-04 20:12:33 UTC  

@Deadbeat Radio they are hallucinogenic/ deliriant. they are poisonous but not deadly if they are not processed correctly. the better you process the better they are for medicine. if you boil them thoroughly they are safe and non hallucinogenic so they become a good food source

2020-01-04 20:13:52 UTC  

@Deadbeat Radio its the original Soma drug

2020-01-04 20:14:30 UTC  

@Deadbeat Radio also the mushrooms the Viking berserkers used