Message from @Trash Squid

Discord ID: 662785804153651261

2020-01-03 17:41:29 UTC  


2020-01-03 17:42:02 UTC  

Good eatin

2020-01-03 17:42:13 UTC  

@/K/id the fuck you at you just find dead horse

2020-01-03 17:43:36 UTC  

I actually have the same question

2020-01-03 17:44:07 UTC  

Innawoods of sc

2020-01-03 17:44:18 UTC  


2020-01-03 17:45:28 UTC  

When did Snapchat aquire woods?

2020-01-03 17:45:45 UTC  

South corolona

2020-01-03 17:46:12 UTC  

I hope yall don't think im actually that retarded

2020-01-03 17:50:21 UTC  


2020-01-03 17:50:52 UTC

2020-01-03 17:51:14 UTC  

Idk chief

2020-01-03 17:51:18 UTC  

I was hoping not

2020-01-03 17:53:04 UTC  

I mean, don't get me wrong, im dumber than the average bear

2020-01-03 21:05:22 UTC  


2020-01-03 21:05:40 UTC  

I did some more walking, and I'm near some guys house who had some horses

2020-01-03 21:05:48 UTC  

About a mile or 2 out from where I was

2020-01-03 21:06:01 UTC  

I guess the horse was sick or lame or some shit and he tossed it

2020-01-03 22:32:23 UTC  

Shitty. Waste of meat

2020-01-03 22:32:53 UTC  

Well, ig if it was sick, i can understand

2020-01-03 22:34:09 UTC  

Aquire its bones later

2020-01-03 22:34:15 UTC  

I'll but them from you

2020-01-03 22:34:17 UTC  


2020-01-03 22:41:53 UTC  

Eeew fuck, a dead horse? Does anybody around your area know about it?

2020-01-04 02:25:54 UTC  

@Trash Squid im keeping the skull for a shrine to the dirt gods of the forest

2020-01-04 02:53:35 UTC  
2020-01-04 02:55:01 UTC  


2020-01-04 02:58:08 UTC  

yeah, you're boutta enter real spooky hours dawg

2020-01-04 02:58:57 UTC  

Fuck it

2020-01-04 02:59:05 UTC  

dirt shaman

2020-01-04 02:59:25 UTC  

just burn some sage or some shit like a hippy, should do the trick

2020-01-04 03:00:02 UTC  


2020-01-04 08:02:24 UTC  

Fuck I wanted to make it a mask

2020-01-04 19:59:38 UTC

2020-01-04 19:59:49 UTC

2020-01-04 20:00:00 UTC

2020-01-04 20:00:17 UTC

2020-01-04 20:00:41 UTC  

North florida woods sending some luv

2020-01-04 20:02:46 UTC  

Holy fuck

2020-01-04 20:05:25 UTC  

Noce harvest

2020-01-04 20:05:39 UTC  

*foraging time*