Message from @Shura37564

Discord ID: 656113628604530688

2019-12-15 22:54:14 UTC  

But I wanna reject her in a way that will not shatter her and will help her actually become a better person

2019-12-15 22:55:31 UTC  

Because in the past I've had a similar situation and after rejecting the girl she cranked her whorish ways up to 11 and ruined her life quite a bit

2019-12-15 22:56:30 UTC  

While I know that it isn't my responsibility to make a person better and force anyone to change their ways, I would like to be a positive influence on her life and help her if possible

2019-12-15 22:57:52 UTC  

I mean being blunt and honest is my go to. But perhaps be honest but a little softer. I hate the cliche "its not you, its me" line
I get what you're saying, but you can't really change how someone is gonna react. But I'd still shoot for somethingnthat isnt devastating like you said

2019-12-15 23:00:01 UTC  

Yeah I'll see her either tomorrow or in 2 days so I've been thinking about it quite a bit

2019-12-15 23:01:00 UTC  

Thanks for the advice

2019-12-15 23:15:20 UTC  

If you wanna run it by us in the next day or so, we'll still be around

2019-12-16 03:57:28 UTC  

It's good of you to not want to ruin her. At the end of the day though, she's responsible for her actions. If it's not something you see going far, tell her that in a clear manner, but also be polite.

"I like you, but I am not looking for something serious right now. I enjoy the time we spend together, but I'm not in the right head space to be considering settling down right now"

Something along those lines, maybe

2019-12-16 03:58:24 UTC  

No matter what happens, as long as you're polite and clear, you can rest easy knowing you did the right thing

2019-12-16 08:03:10 UTC  

> *fuck everyone who isn't **you***

2019-12-16 08:03:12 UTC  

yea but

2019-12-16 08:03:35 UTC  

> *help everyone who isn't you*

2019-12-16 08:03:53 UTC  

> ***when you can***

2019-12-16 11:39:54 UTC

2019-12-16 11:40:14 UTC  

Thanks to @Spudoof for capitalizing on my sexual frustrations

2019-12-16 11:43:08 UTC  

you're welcome

2019-12-16 11:44:20 UTC  

i'm not laughing spud.

I have a hard cock, alcoholic tendencies, and alot of problems.

*but what i am not having is a laugh, you geriatric fuck.*

2019-12-16 11:45:25 UTC  

we live in a society of lonely men with self prescribed blue balls

2019-12-16 11:45:50 UTC  

these aren't self prescribed but they are doctor approved

2019-12-16 12:41:10 UTC  

was gonna yeet myself tonight

2019-12-16 12:41:19 UTC  

guess I really don't have the balls

2019-12-16 12:43:09 UTC  

@Shura37564 hey there chief, you good? I don't recommend yeeting yourself. What's got you that way?

2019-12-16 12:46:10 UTC  

@thedarkness05 just feels like I don't have choices at all in this life, I don't have savings, qualifications, and all my goals are disposable. I worked for 2 years with little to no pay to pay off my sister's college tuition and my mom's debts, and now that I'm finally free of that, the job market suddenly shrinks and I don't think I can handle the stress of my current job, I'm slowly just getting more reckless with everything I do because I don't feel like I'll lose anything.

2019-12-16 12:47:40 UTC  

Take a deep breath, and lets walk through it. Things might seem bad bow, but they'll get better if you keep going. You gotta trust me on that

2019-12-16 12:51:05 UTC  

I guess, the only thing I have going for me rn, is that I have a high level of pain tolerance, I've gone through worse shit than most people can imagine, living in peace probably made me weaker, I had to do a job where I did 85 hr/5 days work weeks, and I've never felt the same about working again, worse thing is that my mom's debts still aren't paid off, I feel like I should work hard, but just thinking about working more just makes me sick to my stomach, and I get painful headaches, and cry for not much reason.

2019-12-16 12:54:01 UTC  

I feel that, its burnout. Gotya take it easy for a bit to recharge. But what job field you looking for?

2019-12-16 12:55:55 UTC  

@thedarkness05 I'm actually looking into becoming a teacher, I've always wanted kids, and I grew up in bad school environments so i feel like I can do better, I've had some contact with some english teachers in the area, and they need people, I'll have to see if I get a call back first tho, but I just felt so bad today, was vommiting at the thought of going to work tomorrow.

2019-12-16 13:01:54 UTC  

Hey thats a great way to go, and for the right reasons. But you go for it king, I believe in you. And if you stumble or need help I'll be right here

2019-12-16 13:04:06 UTC  

thanks man, I'll try a bit harder for tonight, idk what I'll do but yeah, might take a bit to rest myself

2019-12-17 05:30:48 UTC  

my only problem rn is uhh i feel like i aint makin gains and its takin forever for me to build strength
but then again maybe i just dont eat enough cuz i forget a lot

2019-12-17 06:04:18 UTC  

@Devlar I think you just need to eat more lol

2019-12-17 06:11:10 UTC  

now that i think about it i think i only eat like once maybe twice a day cuz i end up working thru meals and also too lazy to make stuff...

2019-12-17 06:11:53 UTC  

yeah, you need to eat and rest more

2019-12-17 06:21:38 UTC  

thank you for the guidance o wise boog one

2019-12-17 06:25:04 UTC  

Maybe get some protein in ya. For gainz you should be taking in 1.2 to 1.5 grams per pound of body weight

2019-12-18 14:02:11 UTC  

So guys.

2019-12-18 14:02:50 UTC  

Obviously, in theory of the boog, and a good majority of us country folk are thrown back in time without electricity, I have one big problom

2019-12-18 14:02:56 UTC  

Where to find salt for living?

2019-12-18 14:03:12 UTC  

Other than stockpiles, I have over 400 pounds on a pallet downstairs

2019-12-18 14:03:36 UTC  

Edible salt, not rock salt

2019-12-18 14:05:37 UTC  

I'm aware of the ocean, but being over 200 miles away, and the highways littered with bandits and multipal other people along the way I'm just not able to see a feasible supply for us