Message from @mcguyver123
Discord ID: 658864017372348446
"that sounds shitty"
"wow I'm sorry to hear that"
"that must be tough"
Look - I'm not asking YOU to sort MY problems
but I would love SOME understanding
above obligatory pleasantries. . .
Get yourself sorted before next long term relationship of course. But you did good ending it.
Man - fuck relationships.
That last bit is always rough
I'm boutta go on a travelling vacation.
It is man. It fucking *is*.
@mcguyver123 I'm skimming specifics.
I did some fucked up things.
Nothing abusive or violent.
But nothing ideal.
Self improvement is fight club and masturbation. You're on your way.
We all make mistakes in relationships, even stuff that maybe seen as abusive.
>Fight club reference talking about masturbation for the plebs that havent watched it<
or read* it
But yeah man - the hard part, right now?
Is not missing company, and reminding myself that this is exactly how it should be.
Really? I managed to hold off on the movie til I got the book, and I found it bang the fuck on.
It's right up there with "*Fear and Loathing*" for adaptations, IMO
practically word for word. . .
Realized to never put my happiness in other peoples laps, or reliance on happiness in objects.
and that is *exactly **why*** I didn't let her in on my BS
and time has shown that that was probably a good move.
or I'd be RFLd and not just single. Lmao.
Obviously you know you can't bottle it up
Yo, fear and loathing was weird. Ok, but weird.
Rfld? What country are you in?
Crab is a cadman? Crab, just illegally immigrate. Get a tan first. Theyll hand you whatever you want
fuck off - you know what I mean.
Not wrong
If I told her all the hood shit Minecraft I wanna download - she'd be taking steps to sever my connection.
@mcguyver123 stop FrEDdin 👀
@INNYGMATYK pitter patter bud
Which is why you either find a based, severely loyal, traditional chick, or you dont talk about minecraft to women.
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