Message from @TipsyTactician
Discord ID: 598708535978623009
I have. Just Afghanistan though
We run the incoming sirens
sorry but we're the reason you woke up at 2am after a long patrol to sirens and CRAM ripping off
Lmao maybe the first couple of months
But come month three, if I die I die but I’m not getting outta my bunk
Yeah i'm that guy though. They're entrusting me with this equipment, a fist team and my PFC all alone downrange
That picture looks like you’re at Drum
not gonna lie i have no idea what i'm doing half the time.
That was from drum
I'm with 25th in AK
Nice! My brother was 4/25 up there for a minute
Yeah i'm the nasty leg brother in wainwright
You’re actually the closest person here geographically to me
Where you at? Korea?
Washington State
Just outside of JBLM
Fuck I corps divary
divarty a bunch of faggots
i loathe the days i have to speak with them though. Everytime i deal with JBLM in any fashion i wanna shoot myself
shit gets dumber by the day
Well I get out in about a year. And i'm driving thought down to vancouver and through washington. So if you're still alive i'll hit you up
grab a beer
Lol I have nothing to do with JBLM except the MWD guys
@Trash Squid I'll squeeze
But at the background
In the middle
So yall remember when that nerd tried shooting up that courthouse and got yeeted. Did yall notice the /k/ pages on FB tripping out over the boogaloo
Ya man just slap me in somewhere
Yeah. But the roasting was the best part of that
I only saw roasts lol
Guy provided me memes for 2 weeks
I'm talking about the /k/ and warwave pages that were going on saying "this is what heppens when you talk about boogaloo murr" trying to say the meme was the reason that idiot got yetted
And he would have been a fucking Rakassan too. I fucking hated that brigade
everyone hates rakkasans