Message from @Trash Squid
Discord ID: 602233931038982156
The same as "Toxic masculinity". Except it wasnt Toxic Masculinity that eradicated pagan cultures left and right and kept humanity in the fucking dark arges for a couple centuries 🙄
ok retard
Get fucked kid.
Girls are icky I'd rather not
Gee I wonder why most Nationalists don't care for the Christcuckery going on
This chat scares me
Pagan niggeas be like
You're probably the kid that said that "Roman Catholic church or no church plz" too. Glad to know who supports a pedophilic regime
Thor killed Galactus
RCC niggas be like: "What pedophilia"
Theres a whole lotta pagans in here fam. Might wanna fuck off now
Checkmate liberbl I'm a prot
Run back to your dead jew god
I'm gonna cut down your tree
Garret stop shitting
Go for it. Not like Christians have ever shown respect for the land or its people
Joke's on you I was taking a piss when I sent that
@Trash Squid can you ban hammer this jew.
Jesus can't hold coins. He got holes on his hands OOF
lol the roast is to good or i would
Okay that got me
Why is there so much quarreling over religion
Sorry Garrett. I can't hear you past the "JeWs ArE gOdS cHoSeN pEoPlE"
When did I say that
Shouldn't you be off tipping your fedora and trying to retake "teh holy land"?
The Holy Land is not a place, it's a people
@everyone all quarreling will now take place in the thunderdome, if an argument breaks out take that shit to the thunderdome and hash it out
Oh god another christcuck jewdog
More like Isfake
Oh god oh fuck he said the @ everyone word
Finally something we can agree on
If you support the RCC you support Pedos. Sorry nibba.