Message from @thedarkness05

Discord ID: 622666739850674176

2019-09-15 05:32:16 UTC  

That’s not racist

2019-09-15 05:32:21 UTC  

That’s stats

2019-09-15 05:32:23 UTC  

Sorry. Seeing double atm

2019-09-15 05:32:25 UTC  

A facts

2019-09-15 05:32:27 UTC  


2019-09-15 05:32:41 UTC  

Thats for a lot of reasons, but yeah genetics and epigenetics play into it

2019-09-15 05:32:53 UTC  

Most "Racist" nationalists are only called racists because the facts back up the claims.

2019-09-15 05:33:09 UTC  

It’s also a cultural thing and the absence of the basic family unit

2019-09-15 05:33:17 UTC  

In the black community

2019-09-15 05:33:33 UTC  

Tbh... and not to be a dick. If you're gonna rock Azov colors you should know the actual meaning of Nationalism.

2019-09-15 05:33:38 UTC  

Like its somehow racist to state that theres differences in the bone structure between caucasioids, mongoloids, and negroids

2019-09-15 05:33:43 UTC  

you mean, in the lower class - which happens to be mostly black

2019-09-15 05:33:50 UTC  


2019-09-15 05:33:59 UTC  

I knew it was extreme pride in ones nation

2019-09-15 05:34:10 UTC  

Its not even really that extreme

2019-09-15 05:34:22 UTC  

American Nationalism is "America first"

2019-09-15 05:34:23 UTC  

But I mean I was just rocking azov for the memes

2019-09-15 05:34:51 UTC  

Ig if believing that your nation deserves to come above others is extreme than yeah... it is.

2019-09-15 05:35:16 UTC  

Ah shit I was gonna order Moseleys books and forgot. Balls.

2019-09-15 05:35:17 UTC  

To others standards I’m seen as extreme

2019-09-15 05:35:19 UTC  

I dont think so, but then again I'm an extremist I guess

2019-09-15 05:35:25 UTC  


2019-09-15 05:35:45 UTC  

There is a 90% chance my views are more extreme than others here.

2019-09-15 05:35:52 UTC  

Prob so

2019-09-15 05:36:00 UTC  

And I'm fine with that

2019-09-15 05:36:06 UTC  

With all the ethno.nationalism, I dont dount it

2019-09-15 05:36:22 UTC  

Hey man. The West is best.

2019-09-15 05:36:27 UTC  

for a reason.

2019-09-15 05:36:32 UTC  

Not in disagreement

2019-09-15 05:37:36 UTC  

Europeans and those of European descent formed the modern world, gave us incredible works of art and have the capability to drive us into the future. Plus we're the only ones that seem to gice a damn about the planet we're on. Who wouldn't want to protect that?

2019-09-15 05:37:42 UTC  

I hate to say "diversity is our strength" but someone needs to do the grunt work and shit. You shpuld rise to the level of your potential, ceritan peoples rise higher tjan others

2019-09-15 05:38:13 UTC  

Diversity ain't strength imo.

2019-09-15 05:38:16 UTC  

Whoo boy is the mead still rollin with me

2019-09-15 05:38:21 UTC  

Diversity is divisive

2019-09-15 05:38:33 UTC  

Nah you're good. I'm whiskey tipsy atm.

2019-09-15 05:38:42 UTC  

Well. Whiskey plastered. Fuck.

2019-09-15 05:38:46 UTC  


2019-09-15 05:39:09 UTC  

Ay at least yall got sauce tbh. . .

2019-09-15 05:39:26 UTC  

I say a moderate degree. Go to far diversity, theres seperation. Too far homogenous, and you make an echo chamber

2019-09-15 05:39:48 UTC  

I’m pretty traditional I believe that God is the center and the family unit should be the building blocks of a nation. I believe that the constitution is a great document and should be followed extremely strictly. I believe that our nation is the best in the world and support her basic principles and not the government. I think the current government needs to be re aligned with what the basic American idea is. That’s a quick rundown on a few of what I believe.

2019-09-15 05:40:30 UTC  

So a moderate conservitive whos a constitutionalist