Message from @INNYGMATYK

Discord ID: 629944900594434048

2019-10-05 07:31:18 UTC  

I mean all drugs should be legal

2019-10-05 07:31:37 UTC  

Like literally every single drug that does exist or will exist

2019-10-05 07:32:18 UTC  

But if you do OD good luck with that. Unless you have you're own trauma team that you pay for out of pocket on standby

2019-10-05 07:32:45 UTC  

I really dont go past shrooms and acid

2019-10-05 07:32:57 UTC  

I've. . . done a L O T of coke lately

2019-10-05 07:32:57 UTC  

Although I think cyberpunk was onto something by mixing paramedics and PMCs into a private service

2019-10-05 07:33:12 UTC  

and crack was within reach - but that's why I just spent the last 72 moving

[ **to avoid it ftr** ]

2019-10-05 07:33:21 UTC  

everything past that can be very harmful and if you have bad anxiety or depression so can hallucinogenics

2019-10-05 07:33:42 UTC  

acid and shrooms btw not crack lmao

2019-10-05 07:33:51 UTC  

just to confirm what im on about

2019-10-05 07:33:58 UTC  

yeah no

2019-10-05 07:34:07 UTC  

I don't ENCOURAGE anything past psychs and grass

2019-10-05 07:34:13 UTC  

crack is fucked ive lost friends to that shit

2019-10-05 07:34:19 UTC  

and heroin

2019-10-05 07:34:23 UTC  

fuck that stuff

2019-10-05 07:35:16 UTC  

Like I'd be cool with weed n coke if I didn't need to be clean for work. Although weed does give me awful headaches

2019-10-05 07:35:28 UTC  

What makes it sad is lots of these people start with pills like adderall and vivance

2019-10-05 07:35:41 UTC  

@thedarkness05 have you tried cbd?

2019-10-05 07:35:47 UTC  

l o l

2019-10-05 07:35:47 UTC  

Yeah the pain meds are a real issue

2019-10-05 07:36:08 UTC  

CBD is good - just the meme lmao

2019-10-05 07:36:20 UTC  

lol yeah i love cbd

2019-10-05 07:36:21 UTC  

@DustMustBust yeah I have. My parents got really into it. One is a doctor the other is a yoga instructor

2019-10-05 07:36:44 UTC  

Does it work for you or still headaches?

2019-10-05 07:37:48 UTC  

It works fine. Honestly it might just be the smell. So you can imagine the time I have working at a uni. Everyone loves the wake n bake

2019-10-05 07:38:46 UTC  

Yeah it could be the smell you and lol those damn college kids

2019-10-05 07:38:54 UTC  

ugh - terrible timing for you

2019-10-05 07:39:40 UTC  

It be like that. But what am I gonna do? Tell em to quit it like a boomer and violate their bodily autonomy? I dont think so

2019-10-05 07:39:58 UTC  


2019-10-05 07:41:24 UTC  

Yeah i bet they get pretty annoying and not just with weed

2019-10-05 07:42:33 UTC  

Oh yeah. There's at least one ambu call every night

2019-10-05 07:43:04 UTC  

keeps it interesting at least? . .

2019-10-05 07:43:46 UTC  

I don't deal with any of that. Its between the EMTs and uni PD to sort that shit out. I just walk in circles and secure doors

2019-10-05 07:44:43 UTC  


2019-10-05 07:49:17 UTC  

thats not as bad then id hate to be an emt on campus

2019-10-05 07:52:16 UTC  

A lot of kids in the med program do it. The uni is like a small city. Has its own fire co and ambu service. Plus a nation leading hospital

2019-10-05 07:52:46 UTC  

oh thats not as bad

2019-10-05 12:43:43 UTC  

Deceived to rework the vest today at work, removed the side pouches and placed them front and back. Back one for extra shit I’ll carry for my boog boys

2019-10-05 13:08:11 UTC  

oi is this interceptor?

2019-10-05 13:08:23 UTC  


2019-10-05 13:09:32 UTC  

i was wandering between this and my beloved ospray
man can u tell me how this is holding plates on front with this weird closing mechanism