Message from @TheBuzzBoy
Discord ID: 657630556573532170
*Something something people are a renewable resource...*
o Lod - they comon
oh god
Why so many
*life has many doors, FrED boi, did you go through the right one?*
Oh god why
Dude seriously, the actual fuck
The flood gates have opened
Someone shut it down
no this is real problem
FrEDs are invading
Itd be different if mother fuckers would stop lurking
stay ya grounds kings we need to withstand the storm
12.20.2019 the flood started we dont have idea how many are FrEDs and how many Boog bois
kings stay motivated and ready to shitopst
Y’all better stop
12.20.19 18:27 One Shot Paddy used IRA meme we will see effects
+10 carbomb effect with enhanced fertilizer
Oh boy trumps raising the smoking age to 21
He did it! He defeated lung cancer!