Message from @xringarcher1440
Discord ID: 659100947858980864
japanese breakfast is light af
So light that some just skip it all together
yeah, when I lived as a student here, I used to go with only 1 meal a day
@NovaSoldier I work for the USPS
Oh shit an actual fed
@xringarcher1440 dude better stay strapped
@xringarcher1440 usps?
United states (?)
Postal service
Postal service
Oh nice
I know I’m a fed but I just do maintenance
And dem bennies
Taking names and giving letters
Gotta love it
The postman has a paccage for you
@xringarcher1440 weld the diffs on the trucks
Kek those trucks are ass
yeah, but I wanna see them drift around
At Least it wasn't the DMV
That'd be a paddlin
I just consider it bleeding the beast, most of my days consist of staying away from my bosses and pretending to be busy
That's a way to do it
I mean I cant say I blame ya
The best bet is a job where your boss is in a different time zone
Skate away
I meant I spent a good part of my life speccing into red coat type professions lmao
Im still at university, so no mr bossman for me yet
What career you trying to get into?
It would be neat if i could get in arms developper
At beretta
That'd be kick ass
*patriotism intensifies*
Oldest continuous firearm manufacturer in the world
You're damn right it is
I would guess you'd have discounts for the products
Like my dad who works at hp
I'm getting a job where I apparently won't have any bosses and just run a branch of a cram school