Message from @NovaSoldier
Discord ID: 659104305764237322
You're damn right it is
I would guess you'd have discounts for the products
Like my dad who works at hp
I'm getting a job where I apparently won't have any bosses and just run a branch of a cram school
Calm down their chief, you lost the US pistol contract
But discounts are nice
Or you could start your own and make bootleg miniguns like that one dude did, and he accidentally sold them to the cartels
Shit was wild
my professor in college once got angry at my friend and me because we were designing weapons in a design ethics class
Guess the us wasnt ready for the neutron style
*pulls out the fishing rifle*
we were designing stuff that would work like shotguns but used trash and other debris
I cant do anything army related because of my unis antiwar policy
That's gay
@Shura37564 nice
my school was catholic
The crusades
Antiwar policy? Liberal cucktards. Mega gay
yeah 😔
I'm pretty sure liberals are pro-war
I know who is going first in the next holocaust
Nah they're prearty opposide of it
white people?
Lib fags are funny
They just dont support any of it
I feel like they'd want to get rid of white people
"No war unless you don't agree with me 100%"
boom sticks were pretty popular in my hometown
lots of gangs used them
"what do you mean you dont want to send boys to fight goatfuckers? Who unamerican are you?"
gangs and fraternities were constantly at war there
Bro the filipines seem kinda wild
Fraternities have a ton of political power
they were able to take down news of a death in a hazing within 24 hours
@Shura37564 all about networking. Why it's so important and why groups in general are dangerous to those in power
@NovaSoldier I mean glass the middle east