Message from @Kye the thigh guy

Discord ID: 372456453656805376

2017-10-23 23:49:53 UTC  
2017-10-23 23:50:00 UTC  
2017-10-23 23:50:03 UTC  

Got fired

2017-10-24 01:13:31 UTC  

Define fired

2017-10-24 01:26:48 UTC  

Wait @SugaKookie what happened exactly

2017-10-24 01:38:41 UTC  

@nicholas what do you mean

2017-10-24 01:40:45 UTC  

I got fired from my job?

2017-10-24 01:41:01 UTC  

whatd you do this time

2017-10-24 01:41:05 UTC  

@SugaKookie no i mean what happened to you

2017-10-24 01:41:11 UTC  

when i got kicked out?

2017-10-24 01:41:46 UTC  

I fucked up one computer

2017-10-24 01:47:02 UTC  


2017-10-24 01:47:07 UTC  


2017-10-24 01:49:20 UTC  


2017-10-24 12:58:08 UTC  

@Kye the thigh guy you love . dick?

2017-10-24 17:15:49 UTC  


2017-10-24 18:05:14 UTC  

Ur gross

2017-10-24 18:39:15 UTC  
2017-10-24 18:39:23 UTC  

is g e y

2017-10-24 18:48:58 UTC  

t r u

2017-10-24 20:05:35 UTC  

Y e s

2017-10-24 20:16:35 UTC  
2017-10-24 20:16:38 UTC  
2017-10-24 20:16:39 UTC  
2017-10-24 20:16:42 UTC  
2017-10-24 21:13:15 UTC  
2017-10-24 21:30:47 UTC  
2017-10-24 21:35:50 UTC  

I wanted a haircut

2017-10-24 21:35:54 UTC  

Went to the place

2017-10-24 21:36:09 UTC  

And got my hair so it wouldnt stickup in the morning

2017-10-24 21:36:14 UTC  

So i barely got it cut

2017-10-24 21:36:15 UTC  


2017-10-24 21:40:14 UTC  

im getting one thursday

2017-10-24 21:40:23 UTC  


2017-10-24 22:09:39 UTC  

I cant even call it a haircut

2017-10-24 22:09:51 UTC  

Literayy 2 hours wasted tbh

2017-10-24 22:10:01 UTC  

But i get to skip swim prac so i guess its ok

2017-10-24 22:38:11 UTC  
2017-10-25 01:16:58 UTC  
2017-10-25 01:18:10 UTC  

no more osu