Message from @Jokerfaic

Discord ID: 658339963556855808

2019-12-22 15:52:10 UTC  

Rosanne’s claim to infamy is when she completely Butchered the National Anthem at a Baseball Game

2019-12-22 15:59:50 UTC  

well speaking as someone else who can't sing high notes, bitch should have known her place

2019-12-22 16:02:04 UTC  

Dude i cant wait for trump to win 2020

2019-12-22 16:02:35 UTC  

And for the democrats to lose the house and senate because of this whole impeachment debacle

2019-12-22 16:02:40 UTC  


2019-12-22 16:03:00 UTC  

I'd be kinda shocked if Republians lost anything ngl

2019-12-22 16:03:29 UTC  

Let alone Dems loosing the house, though I believe they should as they're being completely fucking insane over impeachment

2019-12-22 16:03:32 UTC  

Virginia flipped blue for some fuckin reason recently

2019-12-22 16:04:01 UTC  

All because "duh richmond matters more than all the other counties plebian"

2019-12-22 16:04:03 UTC  

that's some fuckin witchcraft

2019-12-22 16:04:13 UTC  

I'm not convinced this election will be hugely different than 2016. But maybe a few pct more to Trump

2019-12-22 16:04:24 UTC  

Probably not

2019-12-22 16:04:33 UTC  

Fuckin urbanites globalists make me wanna shoot myself

2019-12-22 16:04:35 UTC  

I just wanna see an end to this culture war

2019-12-22 16:05:01 UTC  

And if that means removing the current tarts of Democrats from power via votes, so be it

2019-12-22 16:05:36 UTC  

VA is mad, gonna be chaos in a few months.

2019-12-22 16:05:42 UTC  

I want all the republicans and democrats from both house and senate gone

2019-12-22 16:05:48 UTC  

Except for ted cruz

2019-12-22 16:05:51 UTC  

He is a legend

2019-12-22 16:06:54 UTC  

Why would you want the single most wasteful politician to be the last one left of a completely wasteful body

2019-12-22 16:07:58 UTC  

Mr. 'green eggs and ham, and oh btw have you guys heard about the genocide? no, not that one over in yemen that we're collaborating with, the one that happened a hundred years ago'

2019-12-22 16:09:06 UTC  

Ted needs to keep his ditzy ass in Texas where he actually gets shit done

2019-12-22 16:09:21 UTC  

Ted was a legend for attacking google

2019-12-22 16:09:24 UTC  

put through that textiles bill already

2019-12-22 16:09:29 UTC  

Thats why hes a legend to me

2019-12-22 16:09:37 UTC  

EVERYONE attacks google, he's not unique

2019-12-22 16:09:38 UTC  

Otherwise id want him gone too

2019-12-22 16:09:54 UTC  

But nah for real

2019-12-22 16:10:08 UTC  

All repubs and democrats need to taken down

2019-12-22 16:10:17 UTC  

They are all corporate shills

2019-12-22 16:10:20 UTC  

yeah, Congress needs to be fuckin flushed

2019-12-22 16:10:34 UTC  

Who sold out their oaths to the american people

2019-12-22 16:10:59 UTC  

so hold the fuck up

2019-12-22 16:11:13 UTC  

I quickly looked up armenian genocide to make sure I had the date right

2019-12-22 16:11:21 UTC  

look what's first result

2019-12-22 16:11:37 UTC  

can anyone verify if this is accurate?

2019-12-22 16:12:07 UTC  

What happens after trumps second term if he wins

2019-12-22 16:13:10 UTC  

I mean joker

2019-12-22 16:13:26 UTC  

They had a unanimous passing on defending hong kong

2019-12-22 16:13:33 UTC  

That article seems legit to me