Message from @Hastur

Discord ID: 659763937079984128

2019-12-26 13:34:59 UTC  

if you let born men compete with born women it would be the end of women's sports, they just don't have the build for it even in the same weight class.

2019-12-26 13:35:28 UTC  

and I know some very powerfull women, they still don't have the body for it.

2019-12-26 13:37:33 UTC  

if someone goes though a sex change with the tech we have right now they should just accept that they can't be sports people, that would be the best way to do it.

2019-12-26 14:16:54 UTC  

My solution is to have 3 versions of sports. Men's, Women's, and Trans leagues. Trans people should only compete against eachother.

2019-12-26 14:17:42 UTC  

well it would be 4 versions, the trans leagues would have to be split between M-to-F and F-to-M

2019-12-26 14:17:56 UTC  

I wouldn't bother.

2019-12-26 14:18:04 UTC  

Let them beat the shit out of eachother.

2019-12-26 14:18:24 UTC  

They all insist that everything is a social construct anyway, let them prove it.

2019-12-26 14:18:50 UTC  

I guess that is sort of fair, because you don't see women going trans to be better as sports.

2019-12-26 14:18:58 UTC  

*sits back and watches as all the champions are M-F Trannies*

2019-12-26 14:19:16 UTC  

that's where womens sports is going right now.

2019-12-26 14:19:30 UTC  

Yeah, and I hate it.

2019-12-26 14:20:39 UTC  

I'm glad the UFC is still pretty based, but at soon as the new owners (who, form what I hear, are a bunch of LA elites) get rid of Dana White, I'm sure Fallon Fox will finally get his shot at Amanda Nunes...

2019-12-26 14:22:15 UTC  

Pound for Pound, Amanda Nunes is the best female fighter on Earth. For my money, the only fighter who is at her level, skill wise, regardless of gender, is Khabib Nermegamedov.

2019-12-26 14:22:26 UTC  

Fallon Fox would stomp her into the ground...

2019-12-26 14:22:41 UTC  

Remiss as I am to admit that.

2019-12-26 14:24:19 UTC  

At the end of the day, MtF trans in womens sports is a great way to break through to women about how fucked up everything is

2019-12-26 14:24:38 UTC  

While it sucks for them, I think overall itll be a net positive

2019-12-26 14:25:31 UTC  

Expecially in combat sports, feminists cheering for biological men beating women to a pulp is a great wake up call to everyone in the sport

2019-12-26 14:25:37 UTC  

I don't know if anyone recalls the shitshow in which a bunch of fair weather fans and feminists actually tried to convince people that Rhonda Rousey would beat Floyd Mayweather in a fight...

2019-12-26 14:26:20 UTC  

I was one of the few who tried to tried to talk some sense into these troglodytes.

2019-12-26 14:27:11 UTC  

"Guys, I don't care if they're in the same weight class. Rousey can't take a punch, and as soon as she shoots in, he'll hit her so hard and so fast, it'll end her fucking career!"

2019-12-26 14:27:31 UTC  

women sports people are not the ones who need to learn how messed up things are, they are mostly smart enough to know why the two are seprate.

2019-12-26 14:27:40 UTC  

I agree.

2019-12-26 14:27:56 UTC  

The Tennis lady, lesbian, pretty based... What's her name?

2019-12-26 14:28:15 UTC  

Got in the shit recently for, you know, telling the truth...

2019-12-26 14:31:37 UTC  

Martina Nevertelova!!!

2019-12-26 14:33:38 UTC  

one thing that makes me happy about all of this is how it sets the Trans people and the Feminists against eachother.

2019-12-26 14:33:45 UTC  

it's sad for the rest of us though.

2019-12-26 14:39:59 UTC  

War makes for strange bed fellows, amirite?

2019-12-26 14:40:21 UTC  

Us and the Fems, working together against the Trannies.

2019-12-26 14:41:14 UTC  

it can be a three-for-all, no need to side with the Feminists.

2019-12-26 14:42:16 UTC  

Anyone ever seen a 90's movie called To Wong Foo? Patrick Swayze, Wesley Snipes, and John Leguizamo play a trio of Drag Queens who get into a nutty adventure as they drive cross country?

2019-12-26 14:44:09 UTC  

I ask because I showed it to my Girlfriend for the first time the other day, and I hadn't seen it since middle school. It's still fucking funny. It's funnier now that I get all of the jokes.

2019-12-26 14:47:49 UTC  

I bring this up to point out that I never had a problem with Trannies. Ever. Ru Paul has been a celebrity my whole life. When I was 9 or 10, my sisters and I watched the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I always knew I was Straight/Cis, but these people weren't weird to me, cause they were always around, just a part of life, and they were goddamn entertaining. My mom's best friend, the man who made her wedding dress for her, was Gay, and I mean FLAMING! lol

2019-12-26 14:48:28 UTC  

And now, here we are. I'm 32, and now it makes me sick to look at them. Not cause I hate them. I don't. I just hate what the left has turned them into.

2019-12-26 14:52:44 UTC  

I've always been into comedy, even when I was little and didn't really get what they were saying, I loved watching stand up. I thought Eddie Izzard was mesmerizing. I like him more now that I actually understand his humor. At the same time, I hate him now because he always maintained that he was a straight man who felt more natural in woman's clothing. Now, he's jumped on the Trans movement, and it's so transparent that he's doing it to pump life into his fading career that I've lost a great deal of respect for him.

2019-12-26 14:57:18 UTC  

It's basically just a whole method to grab power over others, or tear others down entirely. The fact that their suicides are so high is what makes people feel sorry for them and give them passes on a lot of shit. Most unfortunately are using sexual identities to their advantage, as they're seen as this thing to protect, to raise themselves up the ladder.

2019-12-26 14:58:07 UTC  

Unfortunately for them people are waking up to the stinking pile of shit it's become and are having enough of it, 2020 will hopefully be the turning point or breakpoint.

2019-12-26 14:59:45 UTC  

Ain't that the god damn truth.

2019-12-26 14:59:52 UTC  

We can only hope.