Message from @I am dead inside

Discord ID: 652790129840357376

2019-12-07 08:28:54 UTC  

Ok let me prove

2019-12-07 08:29:00 UTC  

Gimme a second

2019-12-07 08:32:16 UTC  

It always just strikes me as the inverse of feminsts covering their ass

2019-12-07 08:32:25 UTC  

Like "Oh we take men too who are into our cause"

2019-12-07 08:32:39 UTC  

But they're just tools and useful idiots and potentially dangerous elemetns

2019-12-07 08:32:44 UTC  

Well for one he hates Jews

2019-12-07 08:32:47 UTC  
2019-12-07 08:32:58 UTC  

He made a whole video about jq

2019-12-07 08:33:04 UTC  

He uses race science

2019-12-07 08:33:24 UTC  

None of this is substantiated

2019-12-07 08:33:32 UTC  

How does he "hates Jews"?

2019-12-07 08:33:43 UTC  

He believes the jq

2019-12-07 08:33:47 UTC  


2019-12-07 08:33:50 UTC  

Which must mean he hates them

2019-12-07 08:33:53 UTC  


2019-12-07 08:34:03 UTC  

Are you literally retarded?

2019-12-07 08:34:06 UTC  

If he thinks the are destroying the west isn’t that the logical conclusion

2019-12-07 08:34:19 UTC  

He made a video presenting some data

2019-12-07 08:34:27 UTC  

Didn't make any prescriptive claims

2019-12-07 08:34:40 UTC  

Do you have any refutation to that data?

2019-12-07 08:34:55 UTC  

I don’t right now I didn’t come prepared to this debate

2019-12-07 08:35:12 UTC  

And I have to go for a little friend me and dm so we continue this

2019-12-07 08:35:14 UTC  

Then you should look into it

2019-12-07 08:35:23 UTC  

And stop slandering people like Antifa does

2019-12-07 08:36:00 UTC

2019-12-07 09:56:47 UTC  

99% in Romania? Based

2019-12-07 10:36:31 UTC  

@Monstrous Moonshine It's funny how for someone who makes a demand for differentation between nazi, neo-nazi, fascist, paleocon, white supremacist, white nationalist, ethnonationalist, ethnic identitarian, etc., etc., etc.
... you still call Antifa "liberal".

2019-12-07 10:37:00 UTC  

**Why the fuck should we respect Alt-Right personal pronouns?!**

2019-12-07 10:50:55 UTC  

> Anti-fascism and outdated dichotomies

2019-12-07 10:51:28 UTC  

So, you had nothing to defend yourself. To you Antifa are liberals, but you are totally not nazis... ***RRRREEEEE!!**

2019-12-07 10:51:44 UTC  

Why should we respect your personal pronouns?

2019-12-07 10:52:58 UTC  

Antifa is LARPing as being concerned for the "working class" while being among the richest elites, espousing the same hyper individualistic values as radical liberalism and supporting open borders (which hurts the working class the most)

2019-12-07 10:53:53 UTC

2019-12-07 10:54:43 UTC  

Tucker is much more concerned and has done more to advance their interests than entire Antifa combined

2019-12-07 10:57:04 UTC  

Errrr.... I don't deny that thinking far-left represents worker's interest is deluded but how the fuck is that an argument for "Antifa = liberals"? That's the assertion you were tasked to prove, yet you are talking total bollocks.

2019-12-07 11:01:45 UTC  

*"I badmouthed liberals. I badmouthed commies. Therefore the are the same. Don't call be a nazi, by the way. Respect ma pronouns."*

For someone who attaches labels "neocon", "liberal" and "Antifa" to people with very little consideration whether labels are accurate, as if they are interchangable, you seem to cry **a lot** about being accurately pigeonboxed.

2019-12-07 11:02:54 UTC  

> Think about it, what is this collective that they are really representing? The nation? Some class? Transgenders? Illegals? A commune? The downtrodden? It's hard to pinpoint exactly who or what they stand for, it's easy to see who they stand against. Even though they probably will not admit it, it is ultimately individual rights that the anti-fascists are really concerned about. If you want to cut off your dick, you should have the liberty to do just that. If you want to date or fuck whoever, you should have the liberty to do so. Radical liberalism is about egalitarianism, because all rights ultimately apply to all human beings irrespective of borders or background.

2019-12-07 11:02:56 UTC  

> Antifascists are diametrically opposed to nationalists (in the broad sense of the word) because nationalists are inherently collectivist while antifascists are inherently individualistic. We place the good of our nation/race/people above that of the good of individual. Antifascists places the good of the individual above that of the nation/race/people, things that they incessantly attack. Collectivism is ultimately the greatest danger to the current power structure, not 'more capitalism' or 'more socialism.' Hyper-individualism is what keeps the current system going, that is why antifascists are allowed to roam about freely even if they claim to oppose the system. They don't; they actually perpetuate it. Their support of open borders perpetuates the system because it keeps whites from forming a collective against the power structure, it atomizes people to the point they no longer feel they belong to a greater whole. (multicultural societies lowers trust, not just between groups but also between individuals even of the same race and background.) This unintentionally serves the will of the capitalist class, because they get the benefit of cheap labor while undermining the white American worker.

2019-12-07 11:03:13 UTC  

> Speaking of the white American worker, how many antifascists are really concerned about them? If anything they are openly hostile to them. If they were indeed socialist or communist like many people claim they are, they would stand with the white American worker as much as with any other worker, yet they don't. Why? Because they are not collectivists, they are radical liberals. Even uniting alongside the abstract notions of class would be antithetical to their aims. It's also why they will perpetually eat each-other: Any sort of forming collective would be destroyed because of the individualistic nature of the group.